Priority of work

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‘I will not allow myself to get so caught up in the whirlwind of work that I forget about God” St Faustina diary 82
What a message for today’s world!  A lot of stresses abound at work everyday.  Unfortunately, I often let myself get overwhelmed by those stresses, even while doing God’s work.  I take my eyes off of of His mission, focus on the stress and forget about God.
It so tempting and easy to push God from your mind when the workday stresses climb.  One things adds to another and another, before long the stresses overwhelm your connection with God.  Then you begin to act with anger, temper flares, focus drops, hours increase and the cycle perpetuates itself.
So, from Mary, Martha and Peter we take a lesson.  Keeping in mind that He is present and watching our actions and reactions.  Remember to keep our eyes focused on Christ. 
We need to recognize Him and always work for Him.  The bad times and stresses are often allowed so you can recognize God’s presence – Don’t miss it.
God gave us the skills and abilities to do what we do to serve His Kingdom  very well.  It is one of our vocations, or can be, provided we stay centered God.  When I keep my eyes on Christ, even “when the storms rage” at work, I am called out of the boat ‘walking on water’ and glorify Him to others in that storm. Co-workers do take note and sometimes it presents an opportunity to evangelize.

Keep it always on your heart that you work for God.

Colossians 3:23 ‘remember everything you do you do for the glory of God not for man’