My Shield

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As I sit in Mass and gaze at the Eucharist the vision of a shield comes to me.  That small host transubstantiated into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ is a shield of immense magnitude.  ‘My safeguard and my fortress .. My shield in whom I take refuge’ psalm 144:2. Those words come alive when I reflect upon this Eucharist as that shield – my shield.Through His Eucharistic Body He IS my shield and fortress.  

Then I ponder  – if I do nothing else but give fully my soul to this Eucharist I am totally saved and love and protected.  I pray with the priest “May the Body and Blood of Christ keep me safe for eternal life.”

Jesus Christ tells us ‘I AM the Bread of Life..whoever eats my flesh and drinks my Blood remains in me and I in him’ John 6:56.  ‘Give us this day our daily Bread’ the transubstantial Bread of Christ we pray for. So what I see lacking within me or what I do is made up for completely and in surplus by His Body and Blood in the Eucharist.I know the Eucharist IS Him who died and rose for ME!  So I know my failings and sins are overcome.  My shield is raised in the hands of the priest at the altar this morning and my soul is more safe than if I am surrounded by armies of angels (which we are in Holy Mass as they celebrate this with us). Through this Eucharist I am complete and sanctified. ‘May the Body and Blood of Christ keep me safe for eternal life – ‘Lord, give me this day my Daily Bread – YOU! Lord I need You. My one defense, my righteousness.  Every hour I need You.

Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily – there is no more of a Eucharistic Devotion. “Eternal Father, I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ” “For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion have mercy on us and on the whole world” which calls to mind the passion of Jesus that opened His Merciful Heart to flow with the blood and water we see in the image of Divine Mercy.