Seeking Divine Will

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This is so simple but not easy.

Seeking God’s Divine Will is such a struggle for me. “What is surrender to God? How does one do this?” I’ve asked this question of so many, Godly men, priests and bishops. Never have a found an answer that satisfied my inquiries – that brought peace to my mind.

You see, as my wife often reminds me, I over complicate things. I see the reflective surface of the beautiful pond, but need to see deeper within.

When it comes to surrender, I know the simple secret. We all do. We know how easy it is, but, we seek big moments to define our surrender. It isn’t in huge battles or immense moments of struggle in which we surrender. It is in the moment – here and now. So simple, yet not easy.

You do not need to find God’s Will in this moment and in these circumstances. Because this moment and these circumstances are God’s Will for you. The simple secret is you can trust God.” “He Leadeth Me”, Father Walter Ciszek

I highly recommend reading “He leadeth me.” I received such grace and understanding of surrender from Father Ciszek in his words.

I’ve written about and shared many stories of my own life that show surrender. Epic moments as well as hidden secret times. I had an epiphany again this morning praying over the meaning of surrender. As Father Ciszek writes, “this moment and these circumstances are God’s Will for you.”

We don’t need to search for moments, battles or choices to surrender ourselves to God. We simply need to see that this moment and these circumstance as God’s Will for us now, then live in this moment and circumstance to give Him glory.

Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say—‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it is for this reason that I have come to this hour.  Father, glorify your name.”” John 12:27-28

How do we surrender and give God Glory in this moment? Again, as Father Cizsek writes, the answer is so simple, “trust God.”

“Jesus, I trust in You.” Period.

It isn’t epic battles against the enemy nor in looking for the big moment to prove our surrender. It is just in trusting God and knowing that this moment and circumstance is His Will for us right now, and saying ‘yes, Lord.’ And, living our Catholic faith.

When we realize this simple fact in our lives and moments right now, we surrender and trust God is with us. He knows this moment, and just asks us to trust and have faith.

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