In quietness and trust

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God wants nothing more than to love us and to have us love Him in return. This is why we “find the Celestial Infant, who is fidgeting with love, shivering with cold, and seeking a refuge in their hearts to be known and loved” (Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will). For this He came to earth, incarnate as a man, that He could make God known to us on a level never dreamed so we could see Love and learn to love Him.

God’s goal throughout all creation is we “shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” Matthew 22:37. Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139, all the words of God written in the Bible and all creation cry out this jealous desire of the Father! And it is simple, don’t overthink or complicate it – Listen to the Father’s cry, spoken into your heart, “I love YOU.”
That is the message of the Bible, the Diary of Divine Mercy, that is what Jesus wanted to bring from God the Father, for the world to know..for YOU to know that God loves you intimately and preciously.

Divine Mercy tells us simply that no matter what you’ve done, no matter where you’ve trudged in life, no matter what you think of yourself, God is pouring His love out to you in “oceans of mercy.” Jesus shivered in the manger and died upon the cross simply to say “I love YOU this much”

All week I’ve felt an overwhelming sense of God’s desire that His beloved love Him and the pain that He feels because so many don’t understand the depths of His love. I can only explain this ‘pain’ in the Sacred Heart of Jesus as an emptiness, a powerful desire that people turn to Him and recognize His love and desire to embrace and pour His reckless love upon them. To lavish His children in His Divine love and grace. And for the soul who thinks itself too horrible to forgive, He wants to pour even more grace and mercy upon it (giving this soul first rights to His Mercy). And today I feel God’s pleasure because His love and mercy will reign in hearts today and those hearts, recognizing this gift will like the one leper, run back to His Divine Presence and praise His love unashamedly before with and before all creation.

Make it simply in your heart, thoughts and life – “be still and know that He is God’ Psalm 46:10 and trust in Jesus because God is truth and love.

May the peace and love of God the Father, Papa God, Whom adores you find rest in your heart now and forever. And may the Holy Name of Jesus, who loves the title of Mercy, always be praised and adored within your heart.