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“Love does not consist in words or feelings, but in deeds. It is an act of the will; it is a gift; that is to say, a giving. The reason, the will, the heart — these three faculties must be exercised during prayer.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 392

Merriam-Webster defines the word fiat as “a command or act of will that creates something without or as if without further effort”. Looking back to Mary’s FIAT, this is exactly what she did with her words “let it be done to me according to Your Word.” Luke 1:38

This single deed, one simple word changed all creation. She exercised her reason, heart and will in this moment with Gabriel. Then, let the Divine Will of the Father be set in motion. From this point, she only needed to surrender. But, even in that surrender she had to continue to act upon her FIAT. It wasn’t a one and done action by Mary, even the Immaculate had to renew daily her FIAT.

Do you think for one moment she didn’t? Through Mary’s FIAT, even Jesus conceded His Will. He conceded His Will at the Annunciation but what comes to mind more even then that is His first miracle. Read John 2:1-12. Jesus was with His disciples at a marriage feast and the host ran out of wine. UGH! What an embarrassment for the groom. They come to Mary for help. Mary came to Jesus for His Divine help. He even warns her, “my hour has not yet come.” By doing this for her, it would begin the timetable to the passion. And, knowing what she was starting, Her response to the servants was, “do whatever He tells you,” This is a powerful renewal of Mary’s FIAT.

Then, look forward to what she kicked off with that request at the wedding. Three years pass and she kneels at the foot of the cross. Her FIAT has been continued through the past hours as she consented to walk with her Son and witness His bitter passion.

She never lets her Son pass from her sight. Many mystics have said that she actually felt all that He suffered in full union with Jesus. Her FIAT United her.

She knew this suffering would come from the day of Simeon’s prophesy when they presented Jesus at the temple. Luke 2:35. Her FIAT carried her.

Mary’s FIAT was never put aside, never broken, from the Annunciation through His passion, through Fatima and today. She stands strong on her FIAT. For Mary, her FIAT drove her, it created the doorway for Jesus to enter creation and through no further action, brought about our salvation. Her FIAT brought Divine Mercy to earth. Her FIAT gives us an example as we listen to her words.

“Do whatever He tells you”. This is how we move through our Road of Faith. This is how we become holy – saints among saints. Your fiat is significant as well. In the eyes of Jesus, it may even be no less significant. Mary raises her joyful prayer and exclaims every fiat of our soul. Grand or trivial in appearance at the moment, each fiat is a step towards her Divine Son. And, Mary takes great joy in each step we take. What mother wouldn’t have great joy in seeing her child grow to maturity, toward sanctity.