Faith on the Road: Zakopane – Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima

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Our next journey along of our Faith on the Road takes us back to Poland. You’ve seen the cover picture many times in other Marian posts. I love this picture and the moments we spent in this small chapel. These memories will rest in my heart forever.

In the little town of Krzeptowki is a chapel and church that is a place of sanctuary of the Virgin Mary. It is closely related to St. John Paul II. The sanctuary was created in gratitude for saving Karol Wojtyla’s life in the unsuccessful assasination attempt on 13th of May 1981. Pallotines, who have been spreading the word of Fatima since 1946, are taking care of the church.

The oldest part of the complex, is the chapel of the Immaculate Heart of Virgin Mary, built in 1951, with the statue of Our Lady of Fatima located inside. It was given to cardinal Stefan Wyszynski by the bishop of Fatima and, later, placed in the chapel.

On 15th of October 1961, Karol Wojtyla, bishop of Krakow at that time, consecrated the chapel and the statue. On 21st of October 1987, pope John Paul II crowned the statue of Our Lady of Fatima.

Our Lady within the main church

The church of Our Lady of Fatima is situated next to the chapel. The building was erected between the year 1987 and 1992. The church was consecrated by John Paul II on 7th of June 1997 during his 6th pilgrimage to Poland. Sanctuary grounds are also home to two monuments of John Paul II and the altar, on which John Paul II conducted the mass in Zakopane in 1997, was moved there. The place has become a destination of many pilgrimages.

The Chapel was breathtaking. The love and artistry that carved all the wood of the altar and walls is incredible. It took some woodworking geniuses to create this chapel. I renewed my Consecration at the foot of Mary, Our Lady of Fatima, in the chapel. I could nearly hear the joy of the Angel of Peace, who’s prayer is on a stone outside.

Jesus confirmed His pleasure at my consecration. He find such joy in souls that give themselves full to His Mother as way to come closer to Him.

I also offered prayers for my daughter and Emmaus family from Pittsburgh. I felt Mary tell me, “I accept your prayers and will bring them to my Son. Trust them to be answered according to His Divine Will. I will protect your loved one as I did my son from the assassin’s bullet.” The words of St John Paul II came to mind, “one hand pulled the trigger, another guided the bullet.”

Trust the Blessed Mother with your consecration, give everything over to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and let her guide your life. She will find the quickest, easiest path the Jesus.