Faith on the Road – Divine Redeemer, Booneville, NC

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Divine Redeemer Catholic Church, located in Booneville, North Carolina, is another one of the hidden gems of the Church in America. It is in a small town, off the beaten path, but a place to visit for Mass.

A smallish church building, maybe 3-400 at most. A very Hispanic congregation. A lot of families, with probably 20 teens and 75 young kids in reserved sections. The young kids, part of the religious education program, I’m sure.

When it was time for Communion, our came kneelers for the end of the aisle. The priest and deacon, the Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist were the only ones giving the Eucharist. No EMHC to be seen. Every person came down the center aisle to receive the Lord, and probably 80% received Him on the tongue and on knees. Very reverent.

The music was ‘Spanish’ style guitars and a cantor with a pretty soprano voice. After Mass, outside, to the side, the guitars continued to strum a Latino cadence. I don’t know if that is the correct wording for the music style – but, it was nice.

Our Lady of Guadeloupe! Always present and honored. Look at the care and placement of the flowers to honor this Queen. Our Lady of Americas, The Lady of Guadeloupe, pray for us!