Why ‘The Road of Faith’?

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Regardless of who you are or where you were born, eventually you must make a decision about what you believe about Who this Man Jesus is to you and the claim that He is the Son of God, the Savior of the world.

The Road of Faith (www.theroadoffaith.net) is formed from this pursuit within my life, the desire to draw others to Jesus through my encounters and the hope to make others ask the questions and realize the own stories forming their own Road of Faith. The desire to find Jesus, the real Jesus, in my heart and mind.

For the most part, it was because of the realization that every follower of Christ must convey his faith through his own language and personalities. Whether written or spoken, we tell others the story of why we believe and the effect faith has had on our lives and the world around us. This is what has happened for two thousand years, starting with the testimonies of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the men who wrote down the first biographies about the life of Jesus, and then continued by others for more than fifty generations.

The Road of Faith, my book – “I Knew His voice” – and the talks I’ve shared about my faith journey are all my personal revelations of my Road of Faith. I am not an apologist nor a catechist, simply a man seeking to love God more deeply, to surrender to Jesus more fully and to trust Him totally. I am nothing compared to the Gospel writers or original disciples. I am just me, Ed. I struggle every day and most minutes to keep my faith, to stay free of sin. I don’t have much clue how to pray well, let alone “without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Read my book for just a sample of the deep experiences I’ve had with Jesus, St. Faustina and Divine Mercy. I’ve had prophetic encounters in which Jesus and the Father have spoken to me directly. I’ve been asked personally by St. Faustina to follow her as my patroness. Yet, through all this and so much more, silly me still doesn’t get it. I often look in the mirror and wonder why I am not so much more when I know so much so surely.

I also promise to take you along to the beautiful churches, shrines and other examples of our faith as my wife and I travel the US in “Faith”, our RV (and maybe the world).

I ask each of the journeyers on the Road of Faith to go to my blog and subscribe. Join others from around the world who journey along the Road. Maybe consider going to Amazon or BN.com to purchase a copy of my book. It is a newly printed 2nd edition that ‘completed’ the story. If you’ve already read the first, consider getting the 2nd edition. Or, purchase copies to give as Christmas presents to those you know who need to discover Jesus.

Never hesitate to share your comments or relate your story in relation to any of my posts. My favorite part of reflecting upon my Road of Faith, beside the deep ‘conversations’ with Jesus, is hearing your story. Do this and you’re living Matthew 28:19-20. Share comments and help me take a new step forward along the Road of Faith.

Find “I knew His Voice” through the links below:

Click here to go to Amazon to order “I knew His Voice”. Or Click here to go to Barnes and Noble to order “I knew His Voice”

Go to www.THEROADOFFAITH.net and subscribe to receive these reflections in your email each day. Share this blog with your friends. It only takes seconds to subscribe. Everyone subscribed has their intentions known to God prayed for each day. Join me on The Road of Faith.