Why Does God Whisper?

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Why doesn’t God speak clearly and with more volume? It always seems that God is silent or whispers. And, these whispers are too soft.

The Bible records God speaking audibly to people many times (just a small sampling: Exodus 3:14; Joshua 1:1; Judges 6:18; 1 Samuel 3:11; 2 Samuel 2:1; Job 40:1; Isaiah 7:3; Jeremiah 1:7; Acts 8:26; 9:15). There is no biblical reason why God could not speak to a person audibly today.

God does make His word known to us through Scripture – “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17. God will also “speak” through events and people around us.

My book is not named “I Knew His Voice” because God is some distant, silent God. He does speak to us everyday. But, He speaks softly that we may have to make an effort to hear.

But, I’d listen and follow Him much more easily if He was louder and clearer!

Would you? How many times did mom and dad tell you something when you were growing up that went in one ear and out the other? Or, that you heard but “knew better“?

God can and will make His voice known strongly when necessary. But, most times He whispers to get our attention. Ever notice that when someone is talking around you, it is so easy to not catch what’s being said, but, when someone’s whispering you lean in to hear? Same with God.

God whispers so that we will lean in to hear.

For example, God spoke audibly and clearly to me and showed Himself to my daughter. He kept giving the same message, “trust Me.” I heard Jesus’ voice, I heard the Father’s words. I knew what He was saying. But, when the chips were down, everything He said to me “went out the other ear.” It wasn’t until God stepped back and became ‘silent’ that I started listening.

God’s voice is beautiful and overwhelming love. He wants to sit and have open conversations with us. He loves to sit and listen as we ‘babble’ about our day and troubles. He already knows all we are dealing with but loves to hear our voice. He also really likes when we stop talking and listen to Him speak. Sometimes, He will just hold our head to His heart and whisper words of comfort. Sometimes He is more clear and loud.

The key is to listen. Get used to listening. Get used to whispered messages. Get used to seeing God through the veil of the event. The more the soul strives to hear God’s whisper or see Him through the ‘fog’, the more clearly will He be seen and more loudly He will be heard.

Make this effort and then come back here to comment if you aren’t seeing and hearing God a lot more often (or always and in everything).