Why Allow It?

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Why would Jesus allow the appointed leader of His coming Church to waiver and deny Him? Why would someone deny or betray the Lord who has faith and knows Who Jesus is, as Simon Peter does? Why would God allow someone a moment of weakness that tears the man from his faith and trust?

Let’s look at this ‘allowed’ challenge from Peter’s viewpoint.

Peter saw Who Jesus was from minute one. Luke 5:5 tells us that while Peter didn’t have expectations of a catch, he did as Jesus instructed, throwing his nets over the side. After this immense catch, Peter was humbled. He knew with Whom he was in the presence. “When Simon Peter saw it, he got down at the feet of Jesus. He said, “Go away from me, Lord, because I am a sinful man.” Luke 5:8.

And, when Jesus told Simon to look up and follow Him, Simon didn’t hesitate or go home to ask his wife, he said yes.

Later, Jesus asks the disciples who people say He is. Then, “But who do you say that I am?” Matthew captures this moment in verse 16:16, “Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Simon knows Who Jesus is. Look though at the growth. Simon feel to his knees, unworthy to be in Jesus’ presence. Then, he stood boldly before Jesus declaring Him as the Messiah. The change from Simon to Peter.

Oh but then, crash. It all seems to come apart. Peter denies Jesus three times (Luke 22:54-62, Matthew 14:66-68). Peter’s fears and weakness comes out just hours after boldly saying he’d die with Jesus (Mark 14:29).

After Peter sees Jesus’ empty tomb and the risen Lord standing right before him, Jesus makes Peter fight for Him. In John 21:15-19, we see Jesus draw Peter along this renewal. We see Peter get upset and push at Jesus, “You know I love you!” Then, Jesus gives the same invitation He gave Peter by the shore that first day, “follow me.” Peter steps now lockstep with Jesus as His Apostolic leader.

God will allow struggles and falls. He will even withdraw His presence at times to push us to fight for Him. It’s easy when all things are perfect to say ‘I believe in God’, but, when the chips are down and the night is dark, how do you react? When an army gathers against you and the cross looms over you, will you declare your faith? This is what God intends when Simon Peter struggled and when you struggle. The fight in your heart will temper your soul to declare, “You are the Christ, the Son of God, You know I love you. I’ll tell the whole world these facts.”

Remember, the darkest valley holds the life giving water that grows the greenest forest.

“It is good to serve God in darkness and trial! We have only this life to live by faith.” St Therese of Liseux

“I see that God never tries us beyond what we are able to suffer. Oh, I fear nothing, if God sends such great suffering to a soul. He upholds it with an even greater grace, although we are not aware of it. One act of trust at such moments gives greater glory to God than whole hours passed in prayer filled with consolations.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 78