Who’s Voice

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Who’s voice will you listen to?  When the storm is raging, to whom will you listen?  

The world is filled with voices telling you to be afraid – the news, government, stock market all speak nothing but fear.  The media drives for ratings and to control tom he message, they ask Pilates’ question, “what is truth?”. The Government simply wants control; liberal, dem, Republican, doesn’t matter.  They want control to maintain their power. They stand on the parapet, salivating (I pray there are exceptions to this). The stock market is an extension of the news and government but draw in worldly powers – they want you working for them.

They want to control your heart and mind.  In this time of coronavirus it’s hard not to hear these voices. They want your fear and anxiety to keep your ear from the Voice of Truth.

The Voice of Truth is Truth Himself.  “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” John 14:6. 

The enemy (speaking through all the worldly manners and medias), wants to draw you to a state of fear and worry so that you don’t hear the whisper of God’s voice.  He wants you to revert into Eve’s and Adam’s sin, lack of trust. “Did God really say that? Noooo”. He is the father of lies and wants your heart, no soul is not worth his effort.

But, the enemy can’t win if you trust God.  He tells us that no matter how bad the sinner, His Divine Mercy is abundant for them (Divine Mercy in my soul #723, 1059, 1602, 1739 and so many more).  For in trust, we are defended by God Himself – “for I desire to grant unimaginable grace to those souls who trust in My Mercy” #687 and ‘Do not fear anything. I am with you. These matters are in My hands and I will bring them to fruition according to My mercy, for nothing can oppose My will.”  #573 

Jesus promised to never leave nor forsake us John 14:18.  The question remains then for us, Who’s voice will we listen to?  The father of lies or “the truth”? If we believe and choose to listen to God’s voice, to trust Him, then we need to do so all the way, God doesn’t say that He will love us only if…. No!  He loves and defend His children ALL the time, just look at the cross that ends this week? “But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

Who will you listen to? Trust Him and surrender your fears to His truth and accept His presence 110% into your life – be set free in surrender!