Who I am

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Who I am

“But to those who did accept Him He gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in His Name” John 1:12

I’ve heard the tender whispers of our Father and know His love calling to me…Papa Father, You are a good Father, You are awesome.

Papa Father, lacking nothing within Yourself, You loved me.  And needing no more love within Your Trinitarian Self, You wanted to love me.  Yet, before creation, before I was created and born, You wanted to love me and for me to love – to be Your child.  You desire nothing but to love me and for me to return Your love back to You.

Thank You for removing the fog for me to know I am loved by you.  I am Your beloved child, it’s who I am.

I am who You say I am – I am a child of God, I am Your son – I am a son of the Almighty God.  I am a child of my Creator. 

Father, You are so Holy and I am wretched, who am I compared to Your Glory?  You tell me in loud whispers within my soul, “I am Your beloved – You love me as I am.”  In my littleness and even in my falls, Your love never slackens.   In fact, these times,You love me even more.

You yearn for me more than I do for You – You unashamedly love me and call me Your beloved.  And, in when I sin and falls, Your deep desire for me to know Your love and mercy grows.  It makes no sense to me.  The world says when I don’t live up, I am a failure and not worthy of effort.  But, that’s not Who You are or how You love me.  In Your love, you call all the more loudly when I fall.  When I am lost, You leave the 99 to come for me and carry me back on Your Crucified Shoulders.

It is to simple and up to me to be a child, Your child.  To live confidently as Your son, that I unashamedly say I love you.  To live as Your child without care nor embarrassment that others might see me loving you and reaching for you. 

Before I took a breath, You breathed Your life in me.  I have Your DNA.  Through the Eucharist, You transplant Your Holiness into me sin diseased soul, Your Precious Blood flows through my veins.

Love has called my name!!!

Let me trust in You, Father, let my will be fixed on loving You despite and through my sin.  When I fear let me feel Your Love, when I fall or turn away, let me hear Your Love call, in darkness and cold let me feel the warmth of Your Love.  When I draw close to You, let me feel Your heart beat in love.  

In spite and against the secular world – love love and love.

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