Where Did You Go?

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Jesus, in my darkest day, where were You? Lord, in my darkest moment of sin, where did You go?

We’ve all seen the Footprints poem, “He whispered, “My precious child, I love you and will never leave you, never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”

“…was crucified, died and was buried;
he descended into hell..”

I’ve been through some dark, lonely days and have walked through years of my Road of Faith journey where the night had been made darker by my scarlet sins. I’ve felt shame in my sin to even approach the mercy seat of God. I’ve turned my back and lost my faith and trust. I wondered where God was when I had walked through my dark night of the soul,

I’ve come to peace with each step of my Road of Faith. My journey started off like the Emmaus apostles, a lack of faith and hope and despair. But, the Lord walked patiently alongside me, even in the nights of darkest sin. He never let me go nor gave up on His persistent love. He desires to give me His Divine Mercy and shine His Light in my life, He just needed me to open my heart.

I came to understand the sacrifice God truly made for my soul when I cried out to Jesus, “all those years, all that pain, why didn’t You save me?!? Where were you when I needed you most, Lord?!?” His soft reply came back in the depth of my soul, “My son, I was in hell fighting to win you back from the grip of Satan.”

In those times when you wonder where God is, or where He was when you most needed His aid, remember, He is never ever apart from you. He is always near and protecting you. Even if you don’t want that protection, He charges His angels to give it. And, when mercy seems far away and something unattainable, Jesus was “crucified, died and was buried; He descended into hell” for you. He may be there now fighting for the salvation of your soul.