When you pray do you bow your head or lift your eyes to Heaven? Do you fold your hands or lift then over your head? Do you stand, kneel or lie prostrate? Maybe a mix, on knees with hands high..
Does it matter how you pray? Kneeling, hands up, eyes to Heaven…. I don’t know that it matters. To me, it’s a matter of mood. By mood, I mean to say the reason I am before God.
To lie prostrate.. For one, always when I come before God in adoration. I can’t bring myself to approach before God in the Eucharist at the Monstrance on the altar and not fall to my face. I am pressed to lie prostrate before the God of all the universe because of His presence and awesomeness. In humility of prayer I find myself at other times prostrate before God. Prone before THE King.
Kneeling when I find myself in need or in ‘formal’ prayer. How can a soul approach the King with petitions in any manner but upon bended knee? Folded hands on my knees is also where you’ll find me when I am praying a Rosary or my Chaplet of Divine Mercy or any more formal prayer. Of course, at Mass when preparing myself for this out of the world class event about to occur, when preparing to approach Him in Communion and when fighting back tears after receiving the Eucharist.
Standing with hands raised and eyes lifted when praising. I have a heart of praise. When lifting my soul to God in praise, I find it hard not to lift my hands to God, not to dance to the Lord. At a Praise Nation PGH festival of praise, find me always with hands held high and feet moving to His Praise. Glorifying God just pours out of our spirit if we let it go. Also, the greatest ‘praise’ event we could ever partake in, the Mass. when singing the Gloria or Hosanna…. “Glory to God in the highest…” “Hosanna in the highest…” “all glory and honor is yours, forever and ever” “Holy, Holy, Holy..” “for the Kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours O Lord, now and forever”
How do you pray? Meditate upon your positions of prayer today. Do you find yourself always doing the same? Maybe on bended knee, the more common. I don’t know that it matters. To me, it’s more important the state of your soul and that you do pray.
Coming close to God, having that conversation is the reason for prayer. The form or our body during that prayer puts our mind i the right place to bring the prayer we’re offering. Praise, petition, adoration…