when Mercy Ends

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St Faustina’s diary Jesus tells us: “He who refuses to pass through the door of My Mercy must pass through the door of My Justice.” (Diary 1146)

I once read where a person stated “…a time will come where God’s mercy will end, and His justice will then prevail.” The truth is, God’s mercy will never end, because He is mercy Itself. But, He is also just, and He loves His children with an infinite love, so when we collectively stray through abandoning God, worshiping false idols, and falling into numerous sins, there eventually comes a point which obligates Him to withdraw His protective hand, and allow us to experience the effects and consequences of our sins and our abandonment of Him, that He might, once again, reclaim us and call us to return to Himself.

“Today I am sending you [Sr. Faustina] with My mercy to the people of the whole world. I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My merciful Heart. I use punishment when they themselves force me to do so; My hand is reluctant to take hold of the sword of justice. Before the Day of Justice, I am sending the Day of Mercy.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1158

“I am prolonging the time of mercy for the sake of sinners. But woe to them if they do not recognize this time of My visitation” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1160

For those who keep watch and reflect upon the various current purported prophets and visionaries of our time, the common sense of the times seems to be that we are on the verge of significant worldwide events which, on a spiritual level, will be for the purification of humanity. We know from the Scriptures that it is often through calamities and suffering that God draws His children back to Himself.

Now, TODAY, is the day of Mercy. Now is the time that all those who have witnessed God’s Divine Mercy first-hand must stand up and raise their voices to the Divine Mercy. Without these voices, the world will walk blindly in the fires of Hell. God has sent this day, this “day of mercy” and called many to show mercy to the list of His flock.

We must, as as St. John Paul II said, “Be apostles of Divine Mercy under the maternal and loving guidance of Mary.”

I hear many good Catholics calling for a Jansenist desire of fire and brimstone homilies over those of a Merciful God. When the soul stops looking for Mercy and only expects judgment from God, mercy ends. If there is even one soul who seeks and finds Divine Mercy, people will hear about this Merciful God. A God, who didn’t withhold His own Son but did withhold judgment at His Son’s request from the cross. The Father in the most horrible moment in history had full justification to punish mankind for murdering His Son. But, He held back the hand of judgment and Justice for aching mankind because one Man asked for Mercy.

“Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”” Luke 23:34

All it took was one Man to ask mercy and it was given. We must be willing to be one voice asking the Father for His Divine Mercy on us and upon the whole world.

Are you willing to stand with me on the Road of Faith to tell others of this Divine Mercy?

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