Whatever It Takes

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Today bring to Me the souls of those who have separated themselves from My Church, and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. During My bitter Passion they tore at My Body and Heart; that is, My Church. As they return to unity with the Church, My wounds heal, and in this way they alleviate My Passion.” Day 5 Novena of Divine Mercy

Just sitting here at Jesus’ knee in the silent dark, pre-dawn morning. I lean against Him, just resting in the peace of His Presence. I close my eyes and just feel His Holiness wrap about me. And, hear Jesus say, “my son, I’ll do whatever it takes to make the world see my mercy and love.”

Each soul that is apart from Him tears at and pierces the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He laments constantly the loss of even a single soul. It just isn’t even those that pull away and choose Hell over His Mercy, it is the soul which chooses to sin just once, a ‘little bit’ that breaks His heart.

“Lord, what can I do to heal the sorrow and injuries You endure with the loss of all separated souls, let alone just a single one?” Jesus replies, “My son, you accepted the mission I gave to be an apostle of My Mercy. You accepted My invitation in Poland and you accept it everyday you ask mercy and each time you turn to My Divine Mercy in the Sacraments. Tell everyone what you’ve experienced.” “I don’t have the voice to tell the whole world, Lord. No matter how much I would desire.” “Accept My mercy, beg for it each day. Tell those closest to you of My Mercy and it’s effect upon you. As for the rest, I will bring the world before you, one at a time. Be ready to speak of My Divine Mercy when they come.” “Yes, Lord.” “Seek and accept My Divine Mercy often. In prayer daily and by the minute and especially in the Sacrament of Reconciliation which I gave the Priests of My One Catholic Church. Wash yourself often in the blood and water which poured forth at the point of the lance on Calvary and still spills for souls. Cleanse your soul and let My Mercy shine off of you.

Tell each soul, “I have all I need – I want you!””

Seek the mercy of God in daily examination of conscience and most especially in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Keep cleaning and re-cleaning and polishing your soul in the Sacred Blood and Water. Then, go out and seek “separated” souls, step back and wait for the Spirit to guide one to you. Then, share how mercy touched you.