“What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed; and in that I rejoice. Yes, and I shall rejoice” Philippians 1:18-19
I often wonder how I can give glory and honor to God. I’m nothing. No, even worse, I’m a horrible sinner. Not deserving of God’s Mercy. “If He knee what I’ve done…He could never forgive..”. I have no right to speak of myself in any way that connects me to God. Why would He even want to be associated with me?
Stop! His Son, Jesus Christ didn’t come to redeem the holy, He didn’t need to die on the cross for the righteous. He actually came specifically for those soul; the lost and lonely ‘black sheep’. “I have come to call not the righteous but sinners to repentance.” Luke 5:32
It isn’t because I am a saint or had lived a saintly life that God called me. No, He calls the soul to show the way for others despite and though its wretchedness. I know my prior life had a lot to be ashamed of. For over three decades I knew of God but wanted nothing to do with Him, I lived my self-centered life in a manner contradictory to His ways and teaching. For that life, I should be condemned. To know if God and still live a willfully sinful life is like spitting in God’s face while He hangs on the cross.
I was once told to rejoice for the sins I had committed and was confessing, not to rejoice in the sin but to rejoice that through the pathway of those sins, I was glorifying God greatly by turning to His Divine Mercy. What then? Should a soul condemn itself for saying on one hand that it is a believer but still sinning? Never! This soul should magnify and glorify the Mercy of God and rejoice! For in giving Mercy is Christ fully glorified.
I will rejoice and my soul sings as it revels in the Mercy God pours down over me. I will rejoice when one soul turns to seek His Divine Mercy because that heard my story of redemption. Christ is proclaimed in mercy and I will rejoice! Yes, I will rejoice!
I will live in Christ and rejoice!
“As often as you beg for it, you glorify My Mercy”. Divine Mercy in my soul # 1488