If anything could be given to you, for what would you ask?
The other night, I sat in adoration before the Lord in the Eucharist. Sitting, just gazing at our Lord in awe and wonder, I heard a voice in my heart. He asked, “My son, I love the way you look at Me. What is it you wish of Me? Anything you ask, I will give.” I knelt looking upon the Eucharistic Lord for several moments. I bowed my head, and whispered, “my Lord, I only desire one thing. If anything can be mine, I want to see You.” I felt pleasure wash over me from the altar. I heard, “My son, you could have asked anything. Riches or treasures could have been. But, as you asked for a greater treasure, I grant your desire.”
“Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.” John 14:13-14
“And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” Matthew 21:22
If Jesus would give anything to you, for what would you ask? Treasures, healing, wisdom of Solomon? Think about this today.
As the Lord spoke these words to me, I felt a wash flow over my body. I raised my eyes to the Lord, and saw, the Lord. With a flash of light over the golden monstrance, I saw clearly our Lord. Though on my knees already, I fell to the ground in worship. As tears flowed, I knew Him before me. I felt His Divine Mercy and presence as never before.
One of your more stimulating posts. Makes you want to fall down on your knees and pray.
Thank you!