Washed in Mercy

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“For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

But, it is by His Magnificent, Incomprehensible Divine Mercy that we are saved! Alleluia!

While it’s true that we are sinners, the evil one always fails to see our sin through the lens of God’s Mercy. He loves to try to convince us that we are on the wrong path, that we are not pleasing to God, that all we are are liars and sinners. Defining us fully by our sin. God doesn’t see us in that way.

To overcome the enemy’s deceptive temptations, while he constantly reminds us of our sins, we need only to remind ourselves of the Mercy of the Heart of Jesus.

“Glory is due to God alone; begone Satan!”

As we gaze upon His Heart, we will have no fear about admitting our sin. This act of honesty will not produce anxiety, despair and doubt as the evil one desires. Instead, facing our sin in the light of the Mercy of God, will refresh us and lift our spirits, filling them with an abundance of hope.

Be washed in the water flowing from the Ocean of God’s Divine Mercy! Lift your eyes and give glory to God!

“During the night, a soul I had already seen before visited me. However, it did not ask for prayer, but reproached me, saying that I used to be very haughty and vain… “and now you are interceding for others while you yourself still have certain vices.” I answered that I indeed had been vain and haughty, but that I had confessed this and had done penance for my stupidity, and that I trusted in the goodness of my God, and that if I still fell occasionally, this was indeliberate and never premeditated, even in the smallest things. Still, the soul continued to reproach me, saying, “Why are you unwilling to recognize my greatness? Why do you alone not glorify me for my great deeds as all others do?” Then I saw that this was Satan under the assumed appearance of this soul and I said, “Glory is due to God alone; begone Satan!” And in an instant this soul fell into an abyss, horrible beyond all description. And I said to the wretched soul that I would tell the whole Church about this.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 520