Victory in the battle

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Fear is the antithesis of trust.  Just tells us throughout scripture, in St. Faustina’s diary and within our hearts, to trust in Him.  He is God.  Nothing else matters.  His word is Truth – ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Light’ John 14:6.  NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.  

The enemy doesn’t want you to understand that fact.  He would rather you turn your eyes to the battle.  He fears most that you would realize the victory that Jesus has won already.  He wants you to see the battle in front of you, because then you will lose sight of the King leading the charge and get lost in the fear of the moment.  He will then throw up blocks and tactics to keep your eyes off of Christ.  See John 14:30.

To fight the fight, get through desolation and clear to victory, one needs to keep their eyes focused on Jesus.  But, how does a soul stop from falling back into desolation?  Formation is a big part of this.  The stronger the soul, the easier it is to maintain strength and focus.  

One of the methods that works best for me is journaling.  I journal the good and rough times.  This is a great method for me to remember those moments, both in desolation and consolation.  When the storm about me grows stronger, I can reference back to moments that I was in a storm before and remember how I came out, sometimes I even have the growth that I experienced written as well.  If it gets really dark on the horizon, I can look at times that I journaled the mountaintop experiences, those times when I felt the presence of God most.

Another key point is to maintain strength around you.  The soul that keeps strong members of the Church Militant close, have allies that will stand shoulder to shoulder.  Like the Roman soldier with shields interlocked, the enemy finds a much more difficult time getting through the defenses of a ‘squad’ working together.  This friend can help defend you when you’re weak, pick you up with you fall, strengthen you with guidance and carry you if needed.  “A faithful friend is a strong defense, he who finds one has found a treasure’ Sirach 6:14

Continued formation, continue to grow and train.  A strong soldier trains constantly and repetitively in peace that in times of battle, actions become nature.  Continued reading of Scripture, attending Bible studies, retreats, a weekly men’s group are all big in my life.  Other formation methods I’ve recently found that are paying huge dividends for me are events like Unbound and “Victory in Spiritual Warfare” workshops.  These have broken down strongholds the enemy had built up against and around me for a lifetime.  Through these programs, the walls have been torn down and now I can see Jesus more clearly than ever before.  In Pittsburgh there are many such workshops coming soon – ask me and I’ll give details. 

Of course, the Sacraments are a strong shield against the enemy and provides continued formation and strength to the soul.  Frequently calling upon Jesus’ Divine Mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (at least monthly), attending Holy Mass more than once a week, the Holy Eucharist and visits to Christ in Adoration.   There is nothing better to strength the soul than Jesus Himself, present in the Sacraments.

“Fight the good fight” 1 Timothy 6:12