Unbound from our will

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“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.“ Ephesians 2:10

Everything is arranged by God. We are beginning to accept this and live in His Divine Will.

But, to fully live in God’s plan for our life we must break the chains that bind our past. What about those past events and things that we haven’t accepted yet? We must break these chains and heal the wounds before they become infected and destroy the hope of our growth.

Sometimes it could be the hurtful words of a friend or family member. Or, maybe it is the death of a dear loved one for whom you prayed? If we are unable to see God’s love in these moments, we leave an open sore that will become infected and a cause for possible “death.”

One of my dearest brothers told the the story of his father’s death. This was a moment that drove him away from God. His father was a heroic figure not only in his life but to all those who met his father. His father became ill and the family gathered around his hospital bed to pray for healing. My brother went into this prayer fully confident that God would answer the prayer of faith. Confident in the words of Jesus from John 14:13, “Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

Unfortunately, healing (as we see it) was not meant to be, his father passed away. The words of hope from John 14:13 now became a blade cutting into the soul. This would festered within and became a severe infection that drove him from God for many years.

Then, he met some men who invited him to a Promise Keepers event. And, the speakers and men at this event opened his eyes again to the healing power and live of God. Now, I look to this man as one of the most faith-filled and powerful men of God I know. Beside my wife, I attribute all I am as a man of God to this one man.

So you see how an event or moment in time can cause wounds that fester into eternity out not treated. It doesn’t matter how far back you have to go, heal the wound. Unbind your soul from the cause and effect of the event. Go ask forgiveness of the person you wronged or who wronged you – yes, ask forgiveness of the person who wronged you. Go to God and ask His forgiveness for your lack of trust of His Divine Will from that event that broke your heart. God was there holding you, with tears in His Holy Eyes at your pain.

No matter how far back you have to dig, God is present there – even now. And, He will help you through the healing process. The blood and mercy of Jesus is the best healing salve ever.

Wipe away all these chains and free yourself to live fully in God’s future plans for your life.