Trust the Will of God

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“I heard a this voice in my soul.  “Do not fear anything, nothing will happen to you against My Will.” After these words of the Lord, a strange power entered my soul.  I rejoiced greatly that God is so good”  Divine Mercy in my soul # 541

Rejoice that God is always with you and His Divine Will drives everything in the world but more importantly, His Will defends and guides you. 

Oh but, wait!  What about all the bad things that have happened?  Why would God allow the Coronavirus or other bad things?  Maybe you’re confused by what God would ‘allow’ to happen in your life and the world.  Trust God, He knows what He desires and what He allows.  His passive Will allows certain evils as a result of our sins and those of the world. 

God spoke to me at the start of the Covid-19 in our area.  The Bishop had just stopped public Masses and I was asking God why He would allow this.  He said to me, “My son, many will try to blame Me for the coronavirus.  This is not from Me.  This is due to the fallen world and man’s fallen nature.  Trust me and lean on me.”

God even allowed the fallen nature of man and His creation to impact His Son, Jesus Christ.  Jesus suffered and died because of the sin of our fallen world.  Actually, we can’t even blame this on the world, man gives sin life in the world. 

But, God doesn’t allow any of our struggles to go without benefit.  “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”  Romans 8:28 

If we just keep faith, even in our darkest times, God will carry us through and use the suffering for great measure and growth.  I look back over the past decade, without God in my life, I don’t know that I would have survived.  My family, especially my daughter, went through periods of great trials.  She struggled with the effects of lupus, pain and suffering were at times her daily life.  She has been on ventilators twice, both times on the brink of death.  I fell into the darkest night that I’ve ever experienced.  It would have been easy to lament to God, in fact, I did – often.  I can look back and confidently say that as bad as my complaining and whining to God got at times, I was turning to Him in trust.  What I mean by that is that even when I felt crushed or abandoned, I still turned to God.  My prayers may not have been very pleasantly worded and even accusatory toward God, but the fact that I was turning to Him showed trust that He was there and listening.  I learned from those days that God is a strong and caring Father.  He would allow me to vent my stress and frustrations at Him, sometimes to the point that it was like I was hitting His chest in anger.  But, I know that when all my stress was vented out, I always found myself wrapped in His embrace.  I could feel the tears of His suffering upon my cheek as He held me near.  In a sense, He couldn’t do anything about the situation.  Well, we know He could change it all, but He allowed me to continue through because He knew that this crucible would strength me.

Through all that God allowed through His passive Will to befall me, I found His Divine Mercy.  I would have never found the passion for His Divine Mercy that I have nor would I have been able to so deeply surrender to His Divine Will.  I often prayed that He would heal my daughter, confidently I would pray that if He but touch the tassel of His cloak to her, she would be healed.  I knew He could do it.  But, I only after the lessons did I learn to surrender like Shadrach, Meshach and Abendnego and praise that I know God can save us from the fire, but even if He doesn’t I will still honor and praise Him.  I now look back at this unanswered prayer of God and praise Him.  The Father showed me how much it hurt Him to allow our suffering, but He has also blessed me to see what I would have been if He had.  He showed me that if He had answered my prayer, we would have praised His Power but I would never have moved past that moment.  Because He allowed this to continue, unanswered, I was ‘forced’ to surrender to His Divine Will and grow in trust.  

Surrender to the Divine Will of the Father.  Trust Him…defend yourself wrapped in the armor of Trust.

Matthew 6:31-34