Trust in the tempest

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“A violent squall came up and waves were breaking over the boat,  so that it was already filling up. Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion….He rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Quiet! Be still!” The wind ceased and there was great calm.  Then he asked them, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?”  Mark 4:36-41

It is all about trust.  The disciples had Jesus, the Lord or the universe in the boat with them.  Literally right there beside them. In this moment though they became fixated upon the storm and lost sight of Jesus’ presence.  In their defense, I guess they were still learning just Whom Jesus was – they didn’t understand His power and majesty. They wouldn’t truly understand until the first Pentecost when the Holy Spirit poured upon them.

I wish I could have the excuse of ‘ignorance’ when the tempests raged in my life.  In those storms, I knew Who Jesus is, I claimed a personal relationship and even talked to Him often and heard Him speaking to me.  But when the storm rose, the dark clouds rolled in and the winds started howling, I lost sight of Jesus’ presence.

Like the disciples, through the storm, Jesus was in the boat with me.  Even in His ‘slumber’, He still had full control of the moment. The storm had no power He couldn’t control, even when to me He didn’t look to be active or maybe to even care.  Like the disciples I too cried out “Jesus, don’t you care if I drown?”

I know that He was never out of control, He never lost His focus on my situation nor did He ever “not care” about the storm that I felt hitting me.  No, as the tempest rose, He lay there waiting for me to call out to Him, to ask His help, to trust in Him. Trust in His presence. If the Lord is in the boat with me, what do I have to fear from any storm that may come upon me – even the mightiest ‘typhoon’ holds no power that God doesn’t contain in His power and control.  All of creation, even mega-storm is at His command. Even if the enemy himself rages against you, the Father is still in complete and total control – see Job 1:12. 

I am learning of God’s power and of His Divine Will, I’m a slow learner.  And I am learning to Trust in Jesus, even in the storm. And the storms are losing their power to control my life, God is in control.  

Lord, I give You complete control of the winds and tides of my life.  No matter whether the days are bright and shining or the dark clouds tremble and roll, I will praise You and give You glory.  Even in the storm will I praise Your mighty power and Name. Papa God, give me the wisdom through Your Holy Spirit to always see Your Son in the boat with me that I may be confident to always call upon Your power to give me the peace and trust of knowing You got this.