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I am offering people a vessel with which they are to keep coming for graces to the fountain of mercy. That vessel is this image with the signature: “Jesus, I trust in You.” Divine Mercy in my soul #327

The graces of My mercy are drawn by means of one vessel only, and that is — trust. The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive. Souls that trust boundlessly are a great comfort to Me, because I pour all the treasures of My graces into them” Divine Mercy in my soul #1578

Trust is the key to peace and to unlocking the Divine Will in one’s life.  Without true trust, we handcuff God. We tell Him things like, “if You do this or that, I’ll…” or “..but…”, or we ask our prayer intercessions and when answered we give don’t look back. (Luke 17:11-19).

I remember when Jesus told me “trust Me” over and over, I only talked at Him in return but as the dark night of Kristina’s seizure and ICU traumas began, I proved that I hadn’t heard a single word He said. “Trust me” was the furthest thing from my mind even though He had my wife tell me those same words in her loving voice, “yes, but Jesus told us to trust Him”.  My only response that evening was to flip that statement, “yes,  trust Him but…

But God knew my weakness and knew I was not yet trained in the school of His Will, that is trust.  So that night when things were darkest and I was crushed and alone, He introduced my to the ‘vessel’ that would teach me and carry me – Divine Mercy and the image – and He gave me another great teacher to lead me through this journey of the Divine Mercy.  And St Faustina wasted no time that night! Immediately in my darkest hour, holding my daughter’s hand as the ventilator breathed for her, I prayed “Father for the sake of the passion and sacrifice of Your Son, have mercy on Your daughter”. And the journey to trust began with a little step.

My fall continued for months after that as I had to come to a point of realization that I was lacking in trust, “Thy Will be done” was just words, foreign to my heart.  Until, in confession, Jesus through His holy priest, opened my eyes and convicted me in my lack of trust. That day the priest told me that when he struggles, he holds the crucifix and repeats “Jesus I trust in You”.  As my ‘penance’ I would follow suit. Then, it hit me that through His priest, Jesus was reinforcing all that St Faustina was revealing to me as I read her diary. It is all about trust.

So now I pray my Chaplet of Divine Mercy always.  My intercessions are always lifted to the Father in trust of HIS Divine Will, not my broken desires.  One constant intention in my prayer is trust – that I may trust Him more fully and In His Divine Will and that the world may come to trust Him again.  I know Jesus told me in scripture and the writings of St Faustina that whatever we ask that is in The Father’s Will, He will grant. 

“I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in My mercy … Through the Chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you ask for is compatible with My will.”  Divine Mercy in my soul #687, 1731

The angels pray “Holy, Holy, Holy” because God is the MOST Holy, nothing compares to His holiness. The three repeats of this word show it to be more than ‘most Holy’.  And so I finish every Chaplet I pray with this example in mind and as ‘ongoing penance’ – making the sign of the cross, I say “Jesus I trust in You” – repeating three times as my offering of ultimate trust in Jesus.

My cry, like the man in Mark 9:24 – “Lord, I trust in You, help my lack of trust!”

I know Trusting in Jesus is what the Divine Will of the Father desires most of me – “I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in My Mercy.” Divine Mercy in my soul 

And through this growing trust, I am finding peace

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