To God be the Glory

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“When I asked the Lord to be so good as to cast a glance upon a certain soul [probably Father Sopocko] who was struggling alone against many difficulties, the Lord gave me to know, in an instant, that all people are as dust under His feet. So do not worry; you see that they cannot do a thing of themselves. And if I allow them to seem to triumph, I do this for the sake of My impenetrable decrees. I experienced great peace in seeing how all things are determined by the Lord.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1610

We all have the tendency to be self-absorbed, so much so that we seem to believe the world revolves around us.

God is the center of all creation; everything belongs to Him. Even us – the creations He made in His Own Image and filled His very breath.

Putting God in His place, puts us in our place. Keeps everything in perspective. Even when it comes to our great accomplishments, all the glory belongs to God. Without God, we can do nothing. All the glory belongs to God – period.

When you see a beautiful painting, the praise goes to the artist, not the paintbrushes or canvas. And, so it is with the Great Artist. His creation is the masterpiece surpasses and sustains all others.

Do you accept the praise for your accomplishments, giving the glory to God?

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13