To be a Saint

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What hold us back?  Simple! Fear.

What sets us free to be who we are created to be?  Trust. We trust that God will lift us up and carry us forward through our weakness and wretchedness because THAT is what He creates us to be.  When He breathed life into our soul, His single-minded desire was to see us come home – that means He creates Saints.  

“No, my sin is too much”. Not by a long shot – that is why Good Friday’s cross exists…the Father’s Love is so great and His desire is so strong to see us as Saints, that He sent His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the full price due for our souls to be opened to sanctity.  We should aspire for full Sainthood, and more, to be the greatest of Saints. To be a Saint is not by our merit but by His grace and power. 

I once heard some say if they could just get to Purgatory, they would be happy.  Why? Why aspire for anything less than the full vision the Father has for us since our creation.  God didn’t create any of us to be anything less than a Saint. That is His ‘dream’!

it always seemed prideful to me to want to be a Saint until I read ‘the story of a soul’ by St Thérèse Liseux. She helped me to see this is true humility. There is no doubt that on my own, I could never get to Heaven. Heck! On my own, I would be condemned. But, through His Divine Mercy, the merits and grace of Jesus, the power And love of the Father and the purifying, empowering fire of the Spirit, I can stand confident in this aspiration.

Thank you Patrick Campbell for this huge BOOM