Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed Art Thou amongst women and Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.
Recently, the Atlantic, a liberal paper, printed an attack against Catholics and the Holy Rosary. They claimed in their article that Catholics are extremists who call the Rosary a weapon.
“Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle” Psalm 144:1
The Rosary IS a great weapon. And, like Jesus when He walked the earth, this is not a battle of flesh and the world. This is a spiritual battle that has been engaged for thousands of years. This battle has raged since Lucifer fell.
In every apparition, the heavenly Mother has invited us to say the Rosary as a powerful weapon against evil, to bring us to true peace. With your prayer made together with our heavenly Mother, you can obtain the great gift of bringing about a change of hearts and conversion.
Above all each day, through prayer you can drive away from yourselves and from your homeland many dangers and many evils.
“Stay sober and alert. Your opponent the devil is prowling like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, solid in your faith.” 1 Peter 5:8-9a
For decades we stood peacefully to fight the scourge of abortion. Millions of innocent lives were destroyed by selfishness as an unwitting blood sacrifice to Satan. Now, that ruling has been overturned and abortion’s supporters, along with the demon armies, are attacking – not peacefully.
The Lord says it is time for the faithful to stand and fight. We are most powerful when we stand on our knees with heads bowed in prayer. As we call upon the prayers of the Rosary, we bring all salvation history into prayer. This prayer is so powerful.
Many exorcists have related how, when being cast out, demons scream hatred at the Rosary as a great weapon that if prayed by the faithful can defeat Satan and his forces. No wonder the Rosary has come under attack by the press now. Catholics stand mostly alone against the evils of Hell praying the Holy Rosary. Most denominations don’t even look to the Blessed Mother in honor or respect. None pray this awesome prayer.
It is time to stand up (on our knees) and join in one powerful voice as we pray the Holy Rosary.
The Lord has given us this prayer through His Mother to ‘train our hands” for this war, as we move the beads through our fingers we battle the forces arrayed against us. Never worry as you pray or move through life, as the Lord draws us to this prayerful battle, He is our fortress, stronghold and deliverer. As we pray this Rosary, we join our Lord as He subdues the powers of evil.
Today, let’s make it 3,000 voices raised in praying the Holy Rosary as the Road of Faith unites in prayer.
“Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle; my rock and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues the peoples under me.” Psalm 144:1-2