Gandhi once said to some missionaries, “I would like to believe what you Catholics believe about Jesus in the Eucharist. But I am unable to do so, because I don’t think you Catholics really believe what you say you believe; because if I really believed that my Lord and my God were truly present in the tabernacle as you say He is, I would crawl on my belly to church every day to worship and adore Him.”
How many people want front row seats for some concert? Then, will pay too dollar for those seats? How many will wait in long lines to get the latest IPhone or premiering movie tickets? But, then, they sit as far back in the church as possible. Then, leave as soon as they can (leaving rubber marks in the parking lot) after receiving the Eucharist.
Catholics need to realize what is occurring in the Mass and even more so, Who is present.
The Eucharist!
This is Jesus, God Himself. Catholics attending Mass should completely believe in the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus ever present in the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist. We should be excited and desire to be as close as possible to the miracles at the altar and never want to leave. We should all be pressed into the front rows, not upset at someone in the back row, sitting in our seat. No one present should be able to take their eyes off what is going on before them, let alone look at their watch.
We need a Eucharistic Revival! We need men and women, first within the Church, then all around the world to begin to believe again in the Eucharist as all did for 1,500 years. The earliest Church writings, The Didache, and the Church fathers who sat at the feet of the apostles themselves believed fully the Body and Blood of Jesus is present in every Eucharist. Many early Catholics believed this so much they faced persecution and chastisement. They hid from government and friends, risking death itself to receive the Eucharist. And, today, we can’t wait to get out of the building and make excuses to not go to Mass at all. Or, just watch it online, believing we get all we need to ‘meet the requirements.’
Do you believe? Is the Eucharist of utmost importance in your physical and spiritual life? Think of a moment when you experienced the total joy of receiving the Eucharist. Consider sharing your experience on the importance of the Eucharist.