The Road of Faith – Niepokalanów

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Our next visit “on the road of faith” is to Niepokalanów – the City of the Immaculate. Pronounced Nee-ya-plak-on-ov

Niepokalanow is a religious community lovated 42 km to the west from Warsaw, Poland.  It was founded in 1927 by Friar Minor Conventual Friar Maximilian Kolbe, who was later canonized as a saint-martyr.

It was called “city” because the friars numbered almost eight hundred, all working for the Immaculate with the huge mass media apostolate. They lived heroic lives of poverty, continuous prayer, and voluntary penance. They were united in their mission of evangelizing not only Poland, but the whole world!

The picture is from the Adoration Chapel located in the Basilica of St Mary Immaculate within Niepokalanów.  When I first walked into this small chapel, the Blessed Mother stoke my breath away. The scene is incredible in its own beauty but when you stop to look, one sees that the Blessed Mother is actually a monstrance first our Lord Jesus, her Son.  Wow!! Think of the imagery displayed and it’s meaning. Mary carries Jesus within her womb as Mother of God but also through her whole life, she has carried Jesus within her Immaculate Heart and continues to carry the heart of His message throughout the world.

I knelt before our Blessed Mother and our Lord tomoray but found myself bereft of words.  Hard to believe…I know, right?!? Me without something to say? But, I truly was speechless so taken by this scene.  Mary has had my heart for many years and especially since I completed my ‘33 days to Morning Glory”, St Maximillian Kolbe and De Montfort Consecrations.  But I knew this day, she truly stole my heart.  

After a time touring the grounds, my wife and I came back to this chapel.  We both were taken by the beauty within. I managed to renew my consecration to Jesus through His Mother – wow how deep is that renewal as I see Jesus through Mary’s heart!   I know I belong eternally to the Immaculata. And through her mighty intercessions, I have nothing to fear.

I thank a dear brother for introducing me to St Louis De Montfort and the beauty of this consecration.  Through the years, I know how much our Lady has carried me with her prayers and protected me within her motherly mantle.