The power of Spiritual Healing

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Watch the embedded YouTube video – it contains testimonials of the Campbell’s “Victory in Spiritual Healing” workshop.

I’ve participated in their workshop several times and can attest to the power of the workshop and the true healing and liberation that comes from attending one.
We often don’t see the strength of the chains that bind us to our sins – generational, occult, soul ties and so many more things the enemy uses to hold us back from fully being free to draw on the power God desires to pour through us. These sins and ties are like stones in a backpack that we carry around. We ask forgiveness of God and He is always willing to grant it but these ‘stones’ carry a weight that tells us we aren’t worthy of that Mercy or maybe even that God couldn’t forgive me for that.

The healing power of the Campbell’s workshop comes first by identifying those individual stones that we put in the backpack as well as those set by others or even by our ancestors. After Patrick walks everyone through each of these sin patterns and identifies the many that hold to the individual, you are then led through a prayer to renounce these ties. I imagine this prayer as a chain breaker, literally cutting the chains and shackles that are binding the soul.

When this is all completed the Campbell’s advise everyone to seek out the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In the Sacraments is found all the power of God.

The first time I attended a workshop, I came skeptical. I knew God’s Divine Mercy and felt I was already free and forgiven. But, I admit, I did have sins that wouldn’t let go, you might say chronic thorns in my soul. I knew I was forgiven each time I sought the Lord’s mercy but I continued to fall back into the same sin patterns. None of my prayers seemed to work. Honestly, that can become disheartening even for a formed Christian who knows God.

I can name a few of the ties against my soul that Patrick and Joy helped me identify but I know there are others destroyed that day that I’m not 100% aware of. Regardless, that day I could feel a weight lifted from my back, I had put down that stone filled pack and walked away from it. That night we attended a Festival of Praise and I felt lifted off the ground in a Joy unlike I’ve ever experienced in my life. When I attended the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Jesus spoke very clearly of His pleasure to me. He spoke through Hi priest and I knew I was free.

The Campbells have had miraculous physical and spiritual healings occur at their workshops. I don’t know that I can claim that but I can and have claimed the ‘healings’ that took place within my soul. So many worldly hooks vanished that day. I used to read so many science fictions and fantasy books and watch a lot of TV, they got in the way of my desires to develop a love of the Bible and spiritual reading. My prayer life was barely developed, at best I did rote prayers and maybe a short focused prayer to start an event. After the workshop, all else is off the table. God feels first in my life. The Bible is my favorite and most read book now, followed by Divine Mercy In My Soul and anything about Divine Mercy or St. Faustina. My wife and I pray together several times a day, and before Covid, we attended Mass daily, receiving the Eucharist together each morning. Now, with churches closed, we still do Mass through online and Facebook Live and read the daily Mass readings, doing an Act of a Spiritual Communion together. Oh! and those chronic, haunting sins…gone. This alone has been life changing, when the soul doesn’t come to Confession with the guilt of recurrent sin and fear that this will be the time God say enough is enough, it knows the truth of freedom and Mercy.

Patrick and Joy are full time missionaries, fully reliant on their ministry. These times have put extra stresses on their family but is calling them to something so much bigger. They are not afraid nor are they hiding in a locked ‘quarantine’ room. Covid has been a struggle for the continuing mission of the Campbell’s and their workshops but Patrick and Joy are exploring virtual options that can bring the workshops back and make them more available.

You can support their ministry by purchasing their exquisite, handmade Crucifixes and renderings through their site These crucifixes are made of hardwoods with a gorgeous corpus and embedded St. Benedict medals and exorcised salt.

My wife and I have a beautiful ‘marriage’ cross hanging in our apartment that we purchased at our first workshop and had fully blessed at the Festival of Praise that night.

Look for more on the ‘virtual healing workshops’ coming soon.

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