The In Between

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As Christian led and Catholics this is our mantra song. The words from The Chosen have touched me many times over from episode 2 of season 1. Nicodemus approaches Mary Magdalene after unsuccessfully trying to cast out the demons who possessed her. He said after his failed attempt that only God could heal her. Now, he sees her walking, healed and is dumbstruck. He asks how this healing came about. To which she responds, “all I know is, I was one way and now I am completely different. And, what happened in between was Him.

We who have encountered Jesus can answer this the same way. I know who I was before and who I am now…He is the in between. I have often described my ‘conversion’ as unexplainable and a moment in which ‘snap’, everything changed.

I went from the worst of sinners, a baptized and confirmed Catholic who was basically an atheistic, non-believer. A man whose only use for God was to use Him. Then, I started a journey which I can never fully describe. Until finally, one night, I fell to my knees in tearful prayer. I begged Jesus to forgive me and change me. And, bang! Snap! things changed and, I was completely different.

I still have my battles. A war against who I was and the world and who I am now. Who I am meant to be. A son of the Most High Father in Heaven. A redeemed sinner, saved by Divine Mercy.

How have you changed? Share your story in the comments. Tell me how the ‘in between’ occurred and changed your eternity.