The holiest place on earth isn’t the Vatican or any of the sites in the Holy Land.
“Behold, for you I have established a throne of mercy on earth-the tabernacle-and from this throne I desire to enter into your heart. I am not surrounded by a retinue or guards. You can come to me at any moment, at any time; I want to speak to you and desire to grant you grace.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 1485
The Tabernacle, located in your local church, even in the smallest and most humble of buildings. This is the Throne of God in which Jesus Christ our King chooses to sit. Most kings and world leaders surround themselves with a wide array of security and aids. But, Jesus the King of all kings chooses to sit alone without guard upon this throne.
He doesn’t make Himself unapproachable but instead leaves the door of access to this greatest of thrones. Jesus desires us to come to Him at any time and very often. He isn’t looking for us to bring great gifts to make us worthy to approach this throne. No, Jesus the King simply desires to “speak with you” and grant you many graces.
Do you avail yourself of this special gift of Jesus upon His throne in your church? Arrive for Mass early to sit and spend time. Jesus is waiting. You don’t need to come with an agenda, it’s actually better to leave all needs and desires at the door of the throne room and just come to sit. Trust that in your silence this King already knows your needs. He is ready to give those needs all of His grace just so you will sit with Him in peace.
Go now, the King is there waiting at the holiest place on earth.