The Greatest Weapon

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Most dear to Me is the soul that strongly believes in My Goodness and has complete trust in Me. I heap My Confidence upon it and give it all it asks” Divine Mercy in my soul # 453

“The graces of My mercy are drawn by means of one vessel only, and that is – trust. The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive. Souls that trust boundlessly are a great comfort to Me, because I pour all the treasures of My graces into them.” Diary #1578

“…drawn by means of one vessel only, and that is trust” Trust is the key to unlocking all the power of God. Trust sets a soul free from sin, from death. Trust crushes the enemy and sends him fleeing to the deepest parts of hell. A soul that trusts in God’s Mercy can not be overcome.

Trust is so simple but so difficult. God gave me so many reasons to trust Him but I could never let go, never surrender. Something always held me back. I’d like to blame the devil for this but I can’t honestly. Yes, he has alot of culpability for sure, but the large majority of the blame was on me. I was afraid to let go. Somewhere deep within I held onto my sin. Like a prison, my sin and fear held me captive. This prison door was left unlocked and open but I was too afraid to walk through to the warm light on the outside. I have journal entries that lament of my sin and rejoice in His mercy. But, I always held onto the ledge, afraid to let go.

God had to shake things up to get my attention. Through the early months of my daughter’s illness, God spoke to me both in my heart and verbally (see my book, “I knew His Voice”). He showed Himself in miraculous ways. But, it took withholding Himself from me for me to finally see Him. It took this period of desolation and ‘separation’ from God to finally come to trust Him. And, when I finally let go of the ledge, I fell into His arms of Mercy.

Trust in God’s Words, through Scripture and St. Faustina’s diary. His mercy is overwhelming. “I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in My Mercy’ Diary # 687 Jesus confirms the power of His mercy, “Why are you so afraid? Do you think that I will not have enough omnipotence to support you?” Diary #527 “El Shaddai (God Almighty)” Genesis 17:1 He is God Almighty. Nothing comes against His Power and Will and prevails.

“God so loves the world that He gave His only Son” John 3:16 God so loves you. He loves you so much that He poured out the blood and water from His Sacred Heart for you. He is all-powerful and loves you dearly enough to die a horrible death on the cross. Trust that He will not let that cross be in vain.

Many times I would lie awake at night, focused on my failure to be the man God created me to be. Letting the enemy speak through my sin and fear. A great priest (see my book ‘I knew His Voice’) gave me a weapon to fight back. And, now I am armed with this mighty weapon of trust. Any time I feel weak, I can hold the crucifix the my chest or gaze upon the image of Divine Mercy and repeat the words of the signature on the image, “Jesus, I trust in You”. It used to take many repetitions to carry through, but I’ve grown stronger in my trust in the past years, so now it is much easier to pull myself from that brink. You can draw strength from our Merciful, All-Mighty Savior as well with this simple exercise and by drawing yourself closer to Jesus. Trust conquers all fear. Even the fear of death… For if we trust the words of Jesus, death has lost its sting.

It is time to walk out of the prison that has bound you. The promises of Jesus on the Feast of Divine Mercy have set you free, totally. Trust Him to carry through on His promise.

Trust, Trust, Trust – draw deeply from this vessel.