The Grace for sanctity

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“I once told you how it puzzled me that God did not give everyone the same amount of glory in Heaven, and I feared they could not all be happy.  You sent me off to fetch one of father’s big glasses and made me put my little thimble by the side of it; then you filled them both with water and asked me which I thought was the fuller.  I had to admit that one was just as full as the other because neither of them would hold any more. This was the way you helped me to grasp how it was in Heaven the least have no cause to envy the greatest’. ‘The Story of a Soul’ St. Thérèse Lisieux

God gives every soul all the grace it needs to attain full sanctity, that is to be a Saint.  No soul which accepts this grace is ever wanting. It matters not to the soul of the grace fills a thimble or fills “father’s big glass’, the soul is full ‘to the brim’ either way.

The joy of Divine Mercy is that “Ocean of Mercy” (diary 1142) in which every soul is drowned.  The graces pouring from the Merciful Heart of Jesus flow as blood and water from His Sacred Heart and quench to fires of the sinful heart of man.  This fount of mercy flows into the reborn heart and fills it to capacity. It overflows the soul that its joy may shine.

It is in the Divine Mercy that I was set free.  Anyone who knew me when I first was seeking my faith can tell you how changed I am now from that man.  When I met Jesus, I was changed in profound ways but when I found His Divine Mercy, I came alive. I once feared God for my sins and spent so much effort trying to break free.  When He introduced me to St. Faustina and the Divine Mercy, the chains were not just broken, they were destroyed. I finally walked out of the prison cell the enemy had me tremors within.  The doors were never locked but I was always afraid to walk out. Now, in Divine Mercy I flew from the prison of sin. Yea, of course I still sin, I’m not a Saint (yet). But, now I know beyond doubt that His Mercy is greater than my worst sin or even the worst sin I could imagine.

Jesus called me out of the tomb to new life and then started forming me for a mission.  

I have desired for the past several years to share my devotion and love of Divine Mercy with others.  This past October, Jesus called me to that mission. 

I was on pilgrimage in Poland with my wife and some tremendous friends.  In the church in which St. Faustina rests. Near her coffin, I was kneeling before the image of the Merciful Jesus. (Pretty much the exact view shown in my picture on this post) I came for this moment, this place, to pray for a miracle healing upon my daughter through St. Faustina’s intercession.  I felt so strongly that God wanted me here with her. Little did I know His ‘motive’. As I prayed for this healing, I heard the voice of Jesus say to me, “do you trust Me?’ I looked up quickly, my eyes fell upon the signature on the painting, ‘Jezu Ufam Tobie’ (‘Jesus, I trust in You)

I knew I had the answer to my prayers.  He didn’t say He’d heal her, just asked me if I trusted Him.  And I knew beyond a doubt that I did – no matter what.

As I stood and tried to wipe the smile from my face, I heard Him again, ‘Will you be My apostle of mercy?’  ‘Yes, Lord!!!!’

I stepped away only to hear one more voice, a woman ask me, “will you allow me to guide you as your patroness?”   “Yes, St. Faustina, you are my guide and patroness. I will follow you to Jesus and His Divine Mercy.“. I later realized I heard her speak in polish – I don’t understand polish but I understood her.

I want to share this great message of Divine Mercy with everyone I can.  It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, where you’ve been or how far away you’ve walked, the Merciful Savior, Jesus Christ, is ready to pour Oceans of Mercy into your soul.  To fill you with His grace and mercy to the very top of your glass that your soul may radiate with His love. His mission on earth is to point to the Father and the Father is running out to meet you with arms wide and joyful tears to welcome His child home.  Are you afraid that you won’t know how to come to Him? Again, no worries. God the Father doesn’t wait for you to find your way back, He sent His Son on a rescue mission to find you and to open His Sacred Heart to pour that Ocean of Mercy upon you.

So, I ask you, will you join me to spread the joy of Divine Mercy and help me in my mission as an apostle of Mercy? You can do both by sharing my blog and asking everyone to subscribe ( and sharing my Facebook page (the road of Faith). I promise to do my best to share stories of Divine Mercy to help others see the joys we have found.

“He said to me, My Grace is sufficient”  2 Corinthians 12:9