The Gifts

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‘For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face’ 1 Corinthians 13:12

‘To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.’ 1 Corinthians 12:7

The goal of a soul’s desire for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit needs to be to glorify God.  As the soul matures and draws close to God, it seeks more only to glorify the Father.  Jesus and the Father are One, all Jesus looked to do through His whole mission among us was to glorify and point to the Father.  The Gospels are clear on that.  See after His Resurrection, His first words after consoling and waking Mary Magdalene were to speak of the Father.  “Do not hold me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father, but go to my brethren and say to them, I AM ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God’ John 20:17   Jesus was all about glorifying the Father.  John 8:54 says, “If I glorify Myself, My glory is nothing; it is My Father Who glorifies Me…’  Most of John 14 points to the Glory of the Father and speaks of the Spirit.

How can I obtain the Gifts of the Spirit?  

First, the soul must desire the gifts and ask for them.  “Make love your aim and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts..” 1 Corinthians 14:1.  There is nothing wrong with desiring a spiritual gift.  St. Paul encourages believers to desire the Gifts of the Spirit.  Besides, if the soul has a desire for a gift, Whom do you believe gave that desire to the soul?  The Gifts of the Spirit are for the glory of God the Father.  That the soul may glorify the Father and to be helpful to His Church.

Proverbs 18:16, “A man’s gift makes room for Him”.  The Gifts of the Spirit open doors to glorify the Father.  They naturally make room and opportunities for ministry and point to God.

All Gifts function for the Glory of God – I repeat this because so often a soul has Gifts, sometimes very powerfully exhibited but doesn’t recognize them.  A gift of knowledge or wisdom or discerning spirits or even prophecy and healing may not be clearly seen by the soul.  To some this may be obvious.  But, you might be amazed at how many people take for granted the gifts that operate in their lives. One might not recognize that the insights on Scripture are from God for His glory, or that sixth sense one has about people is a discernment of spirits.  What about the soul that sees only a positive attitude…the gift of faith?   What about those times that you prayed for someone’s healing…and it came to be? 

Pay attention to how God might be working in your life, you might see a Gift of the Spirit that’s been hidden in plain sight all along.

For me this exercise is enlightening.  I’ve been around some magnificently ‘gifted’ souls of late.  Souls who prophecy and have the gift of tongues, my wife is extremely blessed with the Gift of Faith and others that she’s learning.  But, I sat looking at what I have….yea I know, tempting the sin of envy and pride – that is my struggle and growth opportunity.  But, all joking aside, my deepest desire is to be a vessel of God’s glory for others to see. 

So, one night, I sat in my journal and listed the gifts of the Spirit that are listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-11.  Utterance of tongues, interpretation, prophecy, faith, healing, miracles, wisdom, knowledge, and discernment.  Next, I wrote my desire to glorify God through the use of His Holy Spirit’s gifts – this prayer continues daily.  And then, unintentionally, I started journaling about other ‘gifts’ I have in my soul.  The gift of praise (I can get lost in praise), desire (deep within I feel a strong need for God), prayer (my prayer is praise, I’ve also found times I’ve felt an urge to pray for someone that has been affirmed by their response if I tell them), trust – need more of this.  Then, along the past weeks on this quarantine retreat, I’ve started to see the things that are just there as Gifts of the Spirit.  I have noted that Faith is strong, because even in the times I have felt least faithful, that faith has just been there as part of my prayers.  I’ve noted, along with faith, the gift of trust that St. Faustina is helping foster in me.  A soul can’t have faith without trust, they go hand in hand.  So many more are coming clear to me. 

Some though I feel are on the cusp but being held back – ironically, by my lack of faith.

So first off, take a journal or sheet of paper and start by writing down the 1 Corinthians 12 list of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, then keep going.  Write down the things you see within yourself as gifts – might think of these as little ‘g’ gifts, but they are gifts nonetheless.  These might be the seeds that open your soul to an outpouring of the Spirit – something to lead you to a greater Pentecost experience.

This evening, I prepared with great care and prayed long to the Holy Spirit that He might deign to grant me His light and take me under His special guidance. – Divine Mercy in my soul #1174

O Jesus, keep me in holy fear, so that I may not waste graces. Help me to be faithful to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. Grant that my heart may burst for love of You, rather than I should neglect even one act of love for You.” Diary #1557

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