The Besieged Church

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Reflecting this morning on the state of the world and of the Church, I marvel of the Catholic Churches in truly oppressed areas and eras. Poland, and the Ukraine under the USSR, even within the Soviet Union, regimes that worked to utterly and totally crush the Church and faith. Decades and billions of currency and hours on propaganda and effort. Efforts to bring terror to the people to practice their faith. Jailing, prison, oppression and even death. All used to silence and crush the Church.

It dawned on me at such times how futile were the attempts of man or of government to destroy the kingdom of God.

You can close churches, you can imprison priests and ministers, you can even set men and churches to fighting among themselves, but you cannot uproot thereby the good seed existing among the tares and cockle, that good seed that is the kingdom of God. It will remain, like the mustard seed, like the leaven in the mass. The faith of these courageous Christians in Poland, Ukraine, Siberia, as throughout all of Russia has been ample testimony to that.

During our pilgrimage to Poland and visits to St. Faustina’s sites, I marveled that the Catholic Church not only survived decades of intense oppression, in many ways it thrived. Thousands upon thousands showed for Pope John Paul II’s visits, tens of thousands came for the funeral and later canonization of KGB murdered priest, Father Jerzy Popiełuszko.

We talk now of the Catholic Church in America being under siege. Around the world, the Church and her true faithful are scorned for our beliefs and stances. We are mocked even by our Christian brethren, for our belief in the truth of the Eucharist and stance on man and woman marriage and against murdering babies. The true faithful in Church get smaller. To worship as we know is right, we go under ground’ in a sense.

You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”” Matthew 16:18

All throughout history, the world has tried to suppress and destroy the Church, to silence her voice. History proves the words of Jesus. Not the world, any leaders or parties, nor even the enemy and all the powers of Hell not even the Church itself can prevail against the Catholic Church. This is THE Church of the King. This is the One, Holy and Apostolic, Catholic Church that God Himself instituted. Nothing can defeat it nor silence her voice. In fact, as Poland and Ukraine and even the early Church persecuted by Rome, proves, when attacked and suppressed, the Catholic Church expands and becomes stronger.

The Church is under siege. What are any of us in comparison to the powers of the atheist government and deep state? What can we do against the powers of their propaganda and persecution? Very easy answer – trust God. It is by His providence that the Church exists and by His love and mercy that we are called home to her arms. If the Church is attacked – Jesus will overcome. If any of us are personally or communally attacked – God will overcome. nothing will prevail against God, His Church or people.