The Battle is Now

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The battle is now, today in our society. We need men who are willing to lead. Women willing to support those fighters.

I’ve always thought of our priests as the Green Beret. They can fight the war very well but they are 1000 times more effective as force multipliers.
If no army gathers and is willing to step up to fight. Their victory is hard to say the least.

There can be no doubt of the battle engaged in our world and fact that we need an army to fight. There are too many cowardly Christians and so many turncoat Christians who have capitulated to the world’s designs.

We need brave knights to fight this fight. We need leaders in the Church to teach and renew the warriors. Men who will say what needs to be said to the ‘troops’ even if it ‘hurts their feelings.’ There is no greater loss than to have someone not speak the truth and allow a soul to fall into Hell.

There are few really good priests out there in the world. Father Jason at Holy Trinity is one. He is a man who knows he will be judged by God in his vocation for the souls lost. He is willing to speak the truth against the society even if it costs friendships or even donations. But, what he finds when he speaks is a Church full of soldiers willing to stand for God.

Are you willing to stand for God? Are you a courageous man or woman? Are you willing to speak the truth (in love) no matter what the consequences to the relationship? To risk losing a friend and save a soul takes major courage.