I think this is because people have a natural fear of demons themselves, since demons are terrifying, and so it’s comforting to envision a saint destroying demons. Plus, in the Litany of Saint Joseph, one of the titles he is given is Saint Joseph, the Terror of Demons.
And so, for today, I would like to feature a picture of Saint Joseph, the terror of demons!

Not what you were expecting?
Not surprising! When we imagine someone who is the “terror of demons” we automatically think of pictures of someone who is even more terrifying than what we would consider a demon. Someone armored with bulging muscles. Since demons are terrifying, we find ourselves thinking that whatever is a terror of a demons has to look even more terrifying than a demon.
But that’s not the case! Because, demons are terrifying creatures and we are just humans. We can never out-terrify a demon by ourselves. We will never out-scare a demon by ourselves. Demons are not scared of us humans! They know they terrify us much more than they are afraid of us.
But you know what they are scared of?
God. They are terrified of God.
So, when we are obedient to God… when we listen to God and obey God, despite every obstacle that comes away… when we love God and follow Him, even when everything seems hopeless… that’s when we terrify the demons.
“When a soul praises My goodness, Satan trembles before it and flees to the very bottom of hell.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 378
And doesn’t Saint Joseph embody that? Doesn’t his whole life of humility and obedience scream that of love for God?
When he was engaged with Mary and then she suddenly became pregnant, he tried to divorce her quietly, likely because of his fear that he would not be a good enough for her. Yet, a dream from God set his resolve and he married her, despite everything.
If there’s any saint that knows how to completely submit to God, it is St. Joseph. While he might never have said a word that was recorded in the gospel, his faithfulness and devotion to God are evident in the gospel.
This is one man who, despite all the obstacles that were thrown at him, would always remain humble to God. Even when everything seemed grim.
This is why St. Joseph is the terror of demons. Not because he is scary. Absolutely not! It was his devotion to God and his love for Jesus that made him the terror of demons.
St. Joseph, Terror of Demons, will squash such despair and all things that stand in opposition to the hope found in the Risen Christ. From Heaven, this humble, quiet man of strength will lead us to the peace found in Jesus.
Devote yourself in total trust to God. They you aren’t worthy to be in the presence of such Holiness, follow St. Joseph’s example. Become a terror to demons.