Surrounded by Mercy

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“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High and abides in the shade of the Almighty says to the Lord: “My refuge, my stronghold, my God in whom I trust!””  Psalm 91

“Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you”. Psalm 33:22

God’s love is like the air – you can’t feel it but it is there surrounding you at all times.  In times of growing struggles, storms, one can feel the ‘breeze of God’s mercy’ can be felt against one’s skin.  And, like God’s mercy, when the storms are greatest and most powerful around you, the wind will move you.

This is what God’s presence and mercy has been for me throughout my life.  Most of my life I didn’t care to know God or follow Him. That didn’t change the fact that He was ever-present and surrounding me. Looking back, I can see times when His presence was strong.  Though I didn’t hold onto these times or even recognize some in the moment, He was always there and protecting me. These are the moments of God surrounding me, though I didn’t take time to feel Him.

Then, came the moments of ‘turmoil’.  I saw God for the first time and, in fear, turned to Him.  I saw my sin, dark and foreboding before me. And I knew God could never love me in this state nor would He recognize me if I called on Him.  But, call I did – “God I know I don’t deserve Your love or mercy but I surrender my life to You. Please have mercy.” He moved in my life, I felt the ‘breeze’ of His presence.

Then, came the dark night and in the storm His mighty wind moved my heart and soul.  The storm cleared, blown away by His Mercy and all I saw was His majesty and love.  

God is strongly present in my life and is my stronghold.

Let Him be in your life as well.  He is there already anyway. Let Him flow into your heart and take time to recognize His presence, call out to Him.  He is desiring to pour His Love and Mercy in abundance upon you.

“You are in our midst, O Lord”. Jeremiah 14:9a

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