Somewhere in Your Silent Night

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Somewhere in your silent night
Heaven hears the song your broken heart has cried
Hope is here, just lift your head
For love has come to find you
Somewhere in your silent night

“God heard their cry..” Exodus 2:24

“The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God” John 1:9-12

God has heard the cry of your broken heart as well. He has remembered you and come. Look for Him on this silent night in a manger. Somewhere in this silent night look to the cross on Calvary to see how important you are the Him. Jesus came from Heaven’s heights where He was surrounded by angels singing His praise to lie in a manger smelling of animals. He came from His throne of glory where angels sand constantly of His glory to hear those He loves most cry out “CRUCIFY HIM!”

He’s come for all this because you mean that much to Him. The Father held His wrath on Calvary because you mean that much to Him.

This day’s greatest gift, especially in your sadness or despair is Jesus. Jesus was rejected by His own but those who accept Him are to be called His children.

So in the darkness and sadness that may lay for some in this silent night, know the Prince of Peace loves you enough for all this and so much more.

From heaven’s height to manger low
There is no distance the Prince of Peace won’t go
From manger low to Calvary’s hill
When your pain runs deep
His love runs deeper still
He has always loved you, child
And He always will

Lift your head. Lift your heart
Emmanuel will meet you where you are.

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