So many outrages

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“When I was attending Mass in a certain church with another sister, I felt the greatness and majesty of God; I felt the church was permeated by God. His majesty enveloped me and, though it terrified me, it filled me with peace and joy. Oh, if only all souls knew who is living in our churches, there would not be so many outrages and so much disrespect in these holy places!” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 409

If Catholics truly believed with their whole hearts Who it is in the Tabernacle of their church, would they ever want to leave? Most Catholics look at Mass, and the Presence of God in the tabernacle flippantly. At best, it passes their thought that God has made Himself wholly present and available to each of us inside the tabernacle. He lifts our souls to the heavenly worship in the Mass and gives Himself fully, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Eucharist. Yet the majority of people and Catholics don’t believe or understand this.

An open heart and eyes of faith can see the truth and immensity of Who is within the walls of every Catholic Church.

Sadly, I would argue that even many of our priests don’t fully grasp. They have the power to bring the Eucharist alive and to lift the church to heaven’s throne during Mass. But, like the people in the pew, they only think of rushing through to check the duty off. Their are very notable exceptions, Father Jason at Holy Trinity in Carnegie Pa is one stand out. He is a priest who by force of his faith and reverence draws his congregation into the Divine Liturgy. By his lead, we are lifted and desirous of this great gift. No one at Holy Trinity is ever in a rush to leave – in fact, most stay hours after in community.

We need to search within ourselves to find this level of vision. That we may see the truth of what is occurring at Holy Mass. We need to open our eyes to truly see Who is present before us. We need to nurture this grace within our priests. Reinforce that we want more time in Mass with Jesus. We want more reverence. Don’t rush out after Communion, stay longer after Mass.

Do this, and you will find yourself desiring Mass to be drawn out longer. You will find excuses for attending Mass and coming to church for prayer and adoration. You will see God in this reality.

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