Slamming Portals

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We open portals all the time. The enemy makes them glittery and fun so we won’t hesitate to play his game. I have seen Satan working first hand. This is nothing to mess around with. Cut all ties to anything like this. Ouija, tarot, d&d, horror movies. They all open your soul to give him free access – he doesn’t have have to break in when you open the door.

It doesn’t matter how long ago you ‘played’ around with these things. If you haven’t broken the bonds they’ve placed around your soul, you are still bound.

I used to play D&D. I had the first boxed version of this game. It was innocent fun, role playing something I wasn’t. Nothing demonic attached. Well, that’s the lie I bought at least. This game playfully has one worshipping other gods. This game list demons by name. This game opens one to magic spells that are tied to evils. I stopped playing many years ago – some because I grew up and didn’t have time but a lot because God started to show me the wrongs tied to this game.

I still had several books – a near full set of collector level 1st editions. At least one that had limited print before being redone – nearly impossible to find now.

It was in this ‘innocent’ idea that my eyes were opened when I attended a spiritual warfare seminar hosted by Patrick and Joy Campbell. Patrick opened my eyes to the chained bound around my soul from the decades playing this game. In a moment of clarity, I saw it for all it was. This was a still open portal that was allowing demonic influences in my life. I went home, pulled out all the books and associated items – thousands of dollars worth. And, I destroyed them, I boxed up the torn up items and the bound them in the power of the Name and Blood of Jesus. I felt, quite literally, the chains shatter.

If you’ve toyed in play or real hope with any of these items – ouija, tarot, horoscopes, d&d, horror movies and so many other demonic portals – it is time to slam the door shut. Break the chains that bind you even if you don’t feel them. Slam the door.

Pray, “I break all chains and ties to (name the item or act). They have no power over me. I am surrendered to Jesus and it is in His mighty Name and by His Sacred Blood that I break this chain and slam the door of this portal shut forever. Amen”. Repeat this for each item.

When done, use blessed salt or holy water to seal the room and your home around you to further distance these portals’ ties from you. See the sealing prayer below.

“I seal this {room or home } in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ our Savior, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Break the ties! Shatter the bonds.


  1. I watch the show Evil which is about the Catholic Church investigating evil spirits. It interests me, not for the evil (which is very disturbing to me) but how it can be manifested and how it could be misinterpreted and found to be benign and if found to be an infestation, how the priest can exorcise it from a place or person. Is this a portal?

    1. That’s an interesting question. It could be if you allow interest to grow. If it’s used a a learning to fight and close portals maybe not as much. Have to look into this more. Thanks for the comment and question

    2. Nelson, praying about this a lot. This morning God showed me a pretty wrapped package with a nice bow but inside was garbage. He said, “if not from my Church it is from the enemy. The adversary will wrap things up pretty like the apple and make it look good but his goals is singular, to get inside your heart and mind. Do not risk portals to where you don’t know they lead.”

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