Overcoming Sin

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“Today I heard a voice in my soul: Oh, if sinners knew My mercy, they would not perish in such great numbers. Tell sinful souls not to be afraid to approach Me; speak to them of My great mercy.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1396

The message of God’s Mercy is so simple that we can easily miss it, even after reflecting upon the Diary of Saint Faustina.  The simple truth that the message of God’s Mercy must convey is that we should have no fear, whatsoever, of admitting our sins and trusting in God’s perfect forgiveness. 

Fear easily paralyzes us and keeps us from being honest in regard to our sins.  We discussed the topic of embarrassment and fear of admitting our sins in a CMF. How going to the confessional to admit ‘those’ sins was too hard, so we’d go to a different parish for Confession. I mean, we don’t want our pastor to hear what we did and to judge us. We know even behind the screen that our voice will be known. So we run and hide in fear.

Every time you go to confession, immerse yourself entirely in My mercy, with great trust, so that I may pour the bounty of My grace upon your soul. When you approach the confessional, know this, that I Myself am waiting there for you. I am only hidden by the priest, but I myself act in your soul.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1602

But if you understand the Mercy of God and realize how all-consuming it is, fear will have no power over you.  And though this may be easier to understand in theory, it can be very hard to embrace in your actions. 

The only way to fully enter into the Mercy of God is to give Him that which properly belongs to you, namely, your sins.  Not to run and hide in shame or fear but to stand before God, knowing God already knows each of your sins – maybe better than you yourself.

Come before the Father with confidence that His mercy is greater than the darkest sins you may have committed. Do not hesitate in doing this. 

Have full confidence in your loving Father and allow the light of His Mercy to replace the darkness of your sin.