Singing Your praise

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“How can I keep from singing Your praise.  How can I ever say enough.  How amazing is Your love.  How can I keep from shouting Your name.  I know I am loved by the King.  And it makes my heart want to sing” Chris Tomlin lyrics

“O Lord. I do not examine with fear Your plans regarding me; my task is to accept everything from Your hand. I do not fear anything, although the storm is raging, and frightful bolts strike all around me, and I then feel quite alone. Yet, my heart senses You, and my trust grows, and I see all Your omnipotence which upholds me. With You, Jesus, I go through life, amid storms and rainbows, with a cry of joy, singing the song of Your mercy. I will not stop singing my song of love until the choir of Angels picks it up. There is no power that can stop me in my flight toward God.”  Divine Mercy in my soul # 761

I am an introvert at heart.  So one might ask how I can Praise with hands in the air, while dancing (like a fool) and despite no ability to hold a note, I do so unabashedly.  For me, the answer is simple!  I know what God has done in and for me.  My life is incredible due to the continuous and marvelous blessing which God pours down upon me.  I’m talking about wealth far greater than everything this world could promise.  

I love what St. Faustina wrote in the above paragraph, “Jesus, I go through life, amid storms and rainbows, with a cry of joy, singing the song of Your mercy. I will not stop singing my song of love until the choir of Angels picks it up.”  How incredible to sing praises to God in the storm when lightning is flashing all around and when the sun and rainbow are shining brightly upon your face.

I’ve been in both the valley and upon the mountain peak in my road of faith as many reading this can say as well.  The question is always the same, what is your reaction?

In the past years I’ve run the gambit of reactions.  In many of those prior storms, I saw only the storm and lightning.  I heard only the thunder and felt fear and worry.  But, God always provided.  He heard the groaning of my spirit and knew how to guide me along the path.  

Now, as my faith and trust has grown, I draw upon His promises.  The promises He has shown me all my life, that He is always with me and has never nor will ever neglect me.

So, the early prayers of my daughter’s illness that cried out questions, doubts and sometimes anger have turned to prayers of praise.

Before I come to God with any need now, I give Him praise and thank Him for every blessing.  Oftentimes, when I come with a heavy heart full of needs, my praise overwhelms my needs and I forget to even ask to bring my needs.  That’s fine though because “my heart senses Jesus, and my trust grows, and I see all the Father’s omnipotence which upholds me.”  And I know ‘the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes[a] with sighs too deep for words.” Romans 8:26

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