Sing a Cadence

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When a military unit matches or runs, it often does so to some cadence song. Some catchy rhyme and rhythm to unite the unit into one more cohesive team. This song unifies the step (left, right, left) as it brings unity to the spirit of the team.

In our Road of Faith journey, we have many opportunities to do the same thing. One that I love most when done in a large group is the Holy Rosary. Praying this great prayer alone is great, praying with my wife is great but praying with a roomful is off the chart. I remember my first experience praying the Rosary in community. I had organized and led a ‘day of prayer’ for our Pittsburgh CMF. After Mass and adoration, we were set to pray the Rosary. The Bishop celebrated Mass but said he couldn’t lead the Rosary due to a conflicting commitment. So, I stepped in. As I began the prayer, I was humbled and brought to tears when I heard the 50 some odd men join in the answering credence. Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw the Bishop kneel a few pews to my right and join the prayer. I was overwhelmed by the intensity of the men and the Bishop praying alongside me. Luckily, my brother, Bob, caught onto my ‘problem.’ And took the next decade.

Praying the Divine Office is often done in a ‘cadence’ as well. In a group, one side will pray a paragraph then the other side will take the next paragraph. I love the cadence of this prayer when my wife and I pray it together. The rhythm and unity is so awesome.

Last example I will give is within the Holy Mass itself. In the Mass, we all sing a great cadence song. But, it isn’t just with those in the surrounding pew with whom we sing. When we raise our voices to sing the Hosanna, we are joined with all the hosts of Heaven and even with every Mass being celebrated upon the earth. Countless souls and voices lifted in this battle cadence, a song of victory.

I’m the Mass, the priest prays, “Now, with angels and archangels, and the whole company of heaven, we sing the unending hymn of Your praise.” Some Eastern liturgies even dare to number the angels: “a thousand thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand hosts of angels and archangels.” And, EVERYONE in Heaven and in Heaven on Earth (aka the Mass) joins to respond….

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest”

Do you have community opportunities to sing out prayer in cadence? Seek out these opportunities. And, when they present themselves, like the “Holy, Holy, Holy” raise your voice loud and proud, the army is marching.