Seek to be obedient

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We must trust in the Lord. Many times I do not ask where He wants me to go and what He wants me to do. Too often I act without asking for His guidance.

” Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways be mindful of him,
    and he will make straight your paths” Proverbs 3:5-6

I try to seek to give my yes and follow His plan but too often I find myself doing that as a follow-up or secondary action.  So many times in action and prayer I find myself coming to the Lord as a ‘last resort’.

The soul that learns to trust in Jesus in all things will turn to God first (or at least sooner as it grows).  I am at a point in my life and growth that I truly want to do the Will of the Father and accept His Divine Will in every aspect of my life but I am still in the habit of charging ahead and doing it my way before I turn to Him – typically after an epic fail.

I want to live in the spirit of faith. I accept everything that comes my way as given me by the loving will of God, who sincerely desires my happiness. And so I will accept, with submission and gratitude, everything that God sends me. I will pay no attention to the voice of nature and to the promptings of self-love. Before each important action, I will stop to consider, for a moment, what relationship it has to eternal life and what may be the main reason for my undertaking it: is it for the glory of God, or for the good of my own soul, or for the good of the souls of others?”  Divine Mercy in my soul #1549

He has so much work to do in me yet to reach this place that St Faustina writes of.

But, I am finding it easier to I turn to Him earlier and with confidence.  This is a matter of my will becoming united with His Will and doing the right thing. I know that I can absolutely trust God and am learning to let God be God, that I don’t have the qualifications that I once I thought it did to be god.

Since my wife and I sold everything and moved, and since “THEROADOFFAITH” started, I find myself looking to God more often and sitting at His knee…learning from the Master more.  So many distractions have been removed from our lives that used to pull my attention away, take precious time from listening for His voice and draw my soul down rabbit holes that distracted me from my one goal – to be a saint.

The world is full of distractions, news that angers, TV that sucks time, commercials that teach ‘me’ and  greed. God doesn’t want to be second to anything in our lives (see Exodus 20:3 and Deuteronomy 6:5) but He is patient in His Wisdom to grow and change our hearts to hear His call and guidance.  Our souls are craving to do His Will, were made to do His Will. The soul needs to grow in strength to assert its desires over the head and world. “Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides.”  Matthew 6:33

Turn away from anything that distract the soul from hearing, seeing, seeking and knowing the Father’s Divine Will.   The soul can do this by striving to turn to God first in all things.  When the head acts or ‘old habits assert’, the soul should interject as soon as it sees that God wasn’t looked at or asked for guidance.  Get used to talking to God as soon as possible and those times will become earlier each act. I pray someday that in every act of my will to seek God, talk to God for guidance and give Him glory first and fully.

This is the call of the saint’s soul to the world “in all things I do for the glory of God” Colossians 3:23

Someday…I know because Jesus I trust in You and the promises of the Father!