Seek and Find

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“O men, how long will your hearts be closed,
will you love what is futile and seek what is false?” Psalm 4:2

Why do we always search for things of this world that are fleeting and lead us away from what is good and fulfilling. We put all our efforts into chasing the dream of a good job or a big house. We spend huge sums of money on a new car or vacation or even a wedding reception. Yet, we can’t even find a minute to spend on what is good and wholesome and eternal – God.

“It is the Lord who grants favors to those whom he loves; the Lord hears me whenever I call him.” Psalm 4:3

Then, empowered by great education or salary and position, we are confident we “can do this.” We don’t need help or even instructions, ‘cause we know what to do. We don’t follow instructions or even glance their way. Those parts laying on the side? They must have been extras. Then, when things come apart and break, we place blame on everything and everyone else, even God.

People of today’s world are great blame placers. If your kid is bad, it must be the teacher’s fault. So many ways we place blame. And, worse by far, we find ways to blame God when He didn’t help us through some situation that we didn’t even ask Him for in the first place.

We need to change our hearts and minds. We need to come to wisdom by first seeking God in everything. By looking to God for guidance, support and strength before we act. We need to seek God. He doesn’t hide Himself not withhold His aid – ever. We can’t expect to find God or hear His voice if we wear blinders and ear buds filled with noise. When we seek God first and in everything, we grow to respect His advise and presence – even when things go different than we had hoped.

“In the fear of the LORD is a secure fortress, and he will be a refuge for his children.” Psalm 14:26

Seek God and lean on Him. Listen for His voice and hear His guidance. Do this and find peace.

“Fear him; do not sin: ponder on your bed and be still. Make justice your sacrifice, and trust in the Lord.” Psalm 4:4-5