Genesis tells us the story of Joseph. He was the favored son of Jacob. Joseph’s brothers were envious of the favor shown by Jacob toward Joseph. Because of their envy they threw Joseph in a well but unable to kill him they sold him to some passing merchants. These merchants sold him to the Egyptians into slavery.
Joseph was an upright man who always seemed to shine through his circumstances. He overcame a false accusation and imprisonment to become pharaoh’s favored servant. In all Egypt Joseph was second only to pharaoh himself. This because Joseph interpreted one of pharaoh’s dream foreseeing a great famine. Joseph planned for the famine by building up great storehouses of grain that he was then able to distribute to the people when the famine struck the world. Joseph’s position and planning led to him saving his own family, including the brothers who sold him into slavery all those years earlier.
Look around, you don’t need to be a great interpreter of dreams to see that the current world is already in a state of famine and drought (no, not caused by global warming or climate whatever). This famine and drought is one of a spiritual nature and far worse than any shortage of food or water. The world is dying of a spiritual hunger and thirst for God.
Many may look around and say it’s too late. We didn’t foresee this famine and drought so we don’t have storehouses prepared. Just as God was preparing the world for the upcoming famine when Joseph’s brothers were feeling the first pangs of jealousy, so He already has prepared for this current crisis.
God was not surprised by the famine in Joseph’s time nor is He surprised now. God has prepared great storehouses to feed the world against this current famine. These storehouses are filled to overflowing with His Divine Mercy. God has swung wide the doors of the storehouses of Heaven for the world to take and receive. He has prepared by placing you right here, right now. It is time for each of us who know of this great storehouse to take bushels of this great abundance to feed this starving world.
Your baskets are full, go out and feed the world through your acts of mercy both big and small. The water is starving. Starving souls will feast of God’s abundance from your hands. You just have to go to them.
“[M]any souls … are often worried because they do not have the material means with which to carry out an act of mercy. Yet spiritual mercy, which requires neither permissions nor storehouses, is much more meritorious and is within the grasp of every soul.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1317