Ring the Bell

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Exorcism Bell

Exorcism bells (like the one shown), candles and salt drive out demons from the area.

You should obtain specially blessed exorcism salts and seal your property. Seal every room, doorway, closet. Every corner of the house, every entry point – window, door – the boundary of your property – everything.

Seal with this prayer.

“I seal this {room or home } in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ our Savior, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

The advantage and power of the Blessed exorcism bell is that it drives away all demons within earshot of the bell. With each ring, I can almost see them scurrying away in terror.

The power of our Lord is immense.

I don’t know if the power goes through electronics but I do know how powerful is our Lord. So, I say bring it and ring it!

Go to www.theroadoffaith.net and subscribe and ring the bell often.