Qualifying the called

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David brought a rock to a sword fight; Jesus picked the most unqualified, unlikely people, they changed the world.

The Church stands before some of the biggest giants of all time, apparently less armed than ever before.  But, Pentecost is coming quickly. 

I see the army laying in the valley at the foot of Ezekiel (Ezekiel 37) and with this Pentecost, God breathing His Spirit of life into the dried bones of the Church to bring it to life.  If God can raise whole dead army from bones, do you think He can raise a powerful army now from His Church?

This story from Ezekiel has been on my heart through lent and the Easter season.  I feel it is time for the army to arise!

I know, I am not qualified to be part of this elite army, but God doesn’t look at the qualifications of those He recruits to join this special force.  No, He calls those who readily volunteer and then, He trains them as elite soldiers.  Look at the original apostles that Jesus called to His follow Him.  None of the men, nor the woman that followed alongside, were in the least bit qualified.  John and James grasped for power, Thomas doubted despite seeing so much.  Peter, their leader, was a yo-yo of faith and success.  One moment grasping the greatest heights of faith and clarity, seeing Jesus for Whom He truly is and then others failing to hold this truth to heart with his denials.  Jesus forgave all these failings, continued to train His called leaders until the day He sent them out ‘alone’ to “make disciples of all nations” Matthew 28:19

We are all called to mission.  We are all called to be leaders.

I’ve felt so many times that this call is too much for me.  For a long time, I was locked in the upper room with the apostles.  Afraid to go out into the world for fear of judgment or lack of ability.  I mean, really!  I’m not qualified; not the Bible scholar or church expert, I lived against God for the first four decades of my life.  But, then, God didn’t give David great earthly weapons to face Goliath, did He?  David walked up to Goliath with just a sling and stone.  He turned down the great armor and weapons offered to him by King Saul and proceeded to face down and defeat Goliath, ultimately armed with only his strong faith.  He had no doubt to the depths of his soul that God was present and would overcome despite the odds…or maybe because of the odds.  God often uses the least qualified because it is in these victories that His presence and power shine brightest.  When the world looks at the original disciples called by Jesus, worldly wisdom questions the choice.  None of them were worthy to go out into the world and bring the Kingdom of God to all nations.  But, God’s wisdom far exceeds any of our possible understanding.  With these 11 mostly uneducated and totally unqualified men, Jesus changed everything.

What can He do with you?  “you will do far greater things than these…in My Name” John 14:12,13  Give your small little fiat to God, then trust Him with everything else.  
May the Holy Spirit pour His full fire and power into all souls and call them to full life in God.  I pray THIS Pentecost’s power and renewal rival even that first Pentecost Sunday nearly 2,000 years ago and that great heroes of God step forward empowered with the armor of God, the shield of faith and sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:14-17) and step boldly out to spread this renewal with the world.  Let it start right here, right now!

I’m ready, who’s joining me?

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